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时间:2024-08-03 09:57来源:96170





Abstract:Magnetorheological fluid shock absorber platform is a comprehensive testing equipment which integrates mechanical technology, control technology, sensor testing technology and computer information technology. Magnetorheological fluid damper platform is widely used to follow the road in the mountains of the vehicle, ship motion in waves, turbulence vibration in bad weather conditions such as aircraft, giving the test piece is a very close to the realistic situation of the environment vibration environment, study the experimental nature of the study and related performance of the test in a shaker under, has very high value in military and civil.

Magnetorheological fluid shock absorber is a new type of damping platform which has been emerging since the beginning of the new century, and a series of related control system design and controllability research needs to be constantly improved. Magnetorheological fluid damping platform has many advantages, such as low energy consumption, wide working range and short response time, which makes it often used in various fields requiring shock absorption.

This thesis makes research on the following contents: (1) first of all, it summarizes the background and significance of choosing the experience platform of MRF damping and the research status in the world. (2) and then based on the performance requirements of magnetorheological fluid damper and the platform overall function, general scheme of magnetorheological fluid damping platform was planned, including platform overall structure, mechanical scheme establishment, drive scheme selection. Finally, the 3D solid model of the damping platform and the 3D model of the relevant parts are created by using solidworks.

Keywords: Magnetorheological fluid shock absorbing platform, structural design, electric cylinder, 3D solid model


第一章绪论 3

1.1选题的背景和意义 3

1.2 三自由度平台的国内外发展现状 4

1.3 并联机构的理论研究现状 6

1.3.1 并联机构机构学理论研究 6

1.3.2 并联机构运动学理论研究 6

1.3.3 solidworks磁流变液减震体验平台结构设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204427.html
