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时间:2024-08-15 22:00来源:96470



ABSTRACT:With the development and improvement of science and technology, pile foundation has been widely applied in many engineering fields, especially in the area of ocean engineering. In order to research the process of pile pulling and the stability of pile foundation, a system of pile foundation test by experimental equipment for sea -based soils was designed. The advantage of this facility includes simple structure, stable working, light quality, convenient manufacturing. The system can be used to conduct the research on normal stability test of pile foundation, simulate the multiply load on the pile shoe of ocean platform and research the interaction between pile shoe and the soil. This test system which was driven by highly stable hydraulic cylinders can check the condition of pile shoe’s force and the changes of its displacement by using sensor technology. During the progress of designing the experimental platform, I choose machine parts which are mature in the market as much as possible, which can reduce the cycle of designing and provide convenience for subsequent manufacturing on the promise of improving the quality of experimental device. As for some necessary parts, the material consumption of unnecessary part should be reduced on the basis of satisfying the functions of the equipment when designing its structure by analyzing and optimizing, and then this will optimize the structure, improve the quality and minimize the weight as much as possible.

Keywords: Test system; Pile shoes; multiple load; stability


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外现状 2

1.3存在问题 3

1.4本章小结 3

第二章 海基土实验装置总体方案设计 4

2.1海基土实验装置功能介绍 4

2.2海基土实验装置设计要求 5

2.3海基土实验装置方案设计 6

2.3.1设计原则 6

2.3.2工作流程 6

2.3.3桩靴模型 6

2.4本章小结 7

第三章 主要零部件设计与计算 8

3.1钢架材料的选择 8

3.2上钢架的设计 8

3.2.1桁架简介 8

3.2.2矩形方管结构特点 10

3.2.3上钢架结构设计 海基土实验装置设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204523.html
