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时间:2024-08-15 21:51来源:96469



Abstract:According to the characteristics of the ammunition swing device and the requirements of a given shell and the range of the angle of swing,the structure of the ammunition swing device was designed.The structure of the design can swing and transport at the same time,saving shells fired time,improving the shell firing rate.The structure uses  rack and pinion drive to promote the swing arm swing .The structure uses sprocket and chain drive to deliver shells.The rack and pinion drive is driven by a servo motor,and equipped with rack-oriented compression device.The rack-oriented compression device allows the rack to properly engage and move along the correct orbit,improving the swing arm swing accuracy.The sprocket chain conveyor is driven by a servo motor.The pallet is mounted on the chain and the barrel moves with the chain movement.The top of the barrel has a baffle to prevent the shells from falling during transport and improve the stability of the shells.In order to facilitate the detection of shells when the transmission failure,the structure of the pendulum machine will be designed to open and close the barrel.Two parts of the barrel through the hinge rotation, while the buckle through the clasp closed.

Keywords:Ammunition swing device;Rack and pinion;Sprocket chain


第一章绪 1

1.1选题背景及意义 1

1.2舰炮摆弹机的研究现状 1

1.3舰炮摆弹机发展趋势 2

1.4主要研究内容 3

第二章方案设计与优选 4

2.1初步方案 4

2.1.1电动机驱动方案 4

2.1.2液压缸驱动 4

2.1.3齿轮齿条驱动方案 5

2.2方案对比与选定 5

第三章总体设计 6

3.1传动部分的详细设计 8

3.2输送部分的详细设计 10

第四章部件设计与选型 17

4.1输送结构设计选型 17

4.1.1电动机选型 17

4.1.2链轮链条选型 18

4.1.3减速器选型 19

4.2链轮主动轴的设计与校核 20

4.3传动结构设计选型 23

4.3.1电动机选型 23

4.3.2齿轮齿条选型 舰船火炮摆弹机结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204519.html
