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时间:2024-08-20 21:43来源:96705




Abstract:The lifting beam is a common-used .auxiliary lifting facility which plays an important role in the offshore structure manufacturing industry,a vital thing that can not be excluded.In order to fulfill various lifting requirements and environment,the lifting beams are different from each other in types ,shapes and lifting capabilities.Adopting the manual way to figure out the strength of the structure can consume considerable time with a negative effect on the progress of the project.Besides,the low precision may bring a more serious result.As the development of the computer technology,the combination and connection between cad software and finite element analysis become more and more convenient to perform.The application of these high-tech simulation tools makes the easier and faster.

The lifting beam designed in this paper is based on the common single-used ones ,with a few improvements,the lifting beam will become flexible and easily-changed when it is facing ship sections with different centers of mass.Also it is modeled and calculated by Sesam--a well-known software developed by DNVS.By obtaining the result of the deformed pictures and average stress pictures,it can be proved safe and reasonable.

Keywords:Multiply-used  Lifting  Beam  Infinite  Analysis   Element Strength  check Offshore Structure Section


第一章绪论 1

1.1吊梁应用的目的和意义 1

1.2国内外吊梁设计的现状和问题 2

1.3吊梁的应用与设计 3

1.3.1吊梁的应用介绍 3

1.3.2基于优化理念的吊梁设计 7

1.3.3安全-选择-设计-生产-试验的吊梁设计过程 10

1.4本章总结 16

第二章120吨多用途海工吊梁设计计算 17

2.1引言 17

2.2吊梁设计理论计算 17

2.2.1已知的基本条件 18

2.2.2工况介绍和受力分析 18

2.3吊梁截面尺寸估算以及CAD详绘 20

2.4本章小结 22

第三章120吨多用途海工吊梁有限元强度校核 23

3.1有限元方法和软件介绍 120吨多用途海工吊梁设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204564.html
