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时间:2024-09-03 22:02来源:97086
基于已研制成功的 12000KN 船用力学性能测试 平台设计了一种测距小车。该测距小车通过激光传感器捕捉锚链中心平面获取环冠位 置并转化为小车直线行走距离的方法,实现了对锚链的长

摘要:针对锚链拉伸试验中各长度参数的测量要求,本次论文基于已经成功研制并投入使用的12000kN船用构件力学性能测试平台,根据测试平台的尺寸和功能设计了一种锚链单环及五环长测量的运动小车,该运动小车通过对锚链的水平方向和垂直方向链环环冠顶点的准确捕捉,并将锚链单环及五环长的测量转换为对运动小车直线行走距离的测量,利用理论算法实现锚链单环及五环长度的测量。本论文主要设计了运动小车的具体结构,对相关参数进行计算,并对重要零部件进行校核,给出三维模型,利用solidworks simulation分析运动小车整体的应力,位移和应变。针对静应力分析结果改进运动小车的结构。本小车设计的测量方法误差小,精度高,显示出结构简单,成本低,安装维休方便,稳定性好的特点。最终本次论文完成了小车总体方案拟定—



Abstract:Based on the mechanical performance test platform of 12000 kN marine components which has been successfully developed and put into use, this paper has designed an anchor chain single ring and five according to the size and function of the test platform. The long-distance motion of the car, the car through the chain of horizontal and vertical chain ring crown vertex to accurately capture, and the chain of single-ring and five-ring long measurement is converted to the movement of the car walking distance  Measurement, using the theoretical algorithm to achieve the anchor chain single ring and the length of the measurement of the five rings. In this paper, the specific structure of the sports car is designed, the relevant parameters are calculated, and the important parts are checked, and the three-dimensional model is given. The whole body stress, displacement and strain are analyzed by solidworks simulation. The structure of the moving trolley is improved for the static stress analysis. The design method of this car is small and accurate, and it shows the characteristics of simple structure, low cost, convenient installation and good stability. Finally, the paper completed the overall plan of the car - structural design - three-dimensional model establishment - virtual assembly - static stress analysis of the content.

Keywords: Anchor chain; distance measuring car; laser sensor;

第一章绪论 1

1.1选题的目的和意义 1

1.2锚链单环及五环长测量的研究现状及发展 2

1.3本文研究的主要内容 3

第二章测距小车的总体方案拟定 5

2.1 12000KN船用力学性能测试平台的介绍 5

2.2 运动小车的测距原理 6

2.3 运动小车的初步方案设定 8

2.3.1 运动小车总体尺寸确定 8

2.3.2 运动小车车身材料的确定 9

2.3.3 小车总体方案设计 9

第三章测距小车的结构设计 11

3.1 小车车身的结构设计 solidworks锚链单环及五环长测量小车设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204647.html
