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时间:2017-02-25 16:24来源:毕业论文

关键词: 注射模设计;侧向抽芯;斜顶;型芯;型腔
Inject mold Design of Automobile Lamp
Abstract: The main topic is based on the characteristics of automobile lamp requirements, the development of injection molding process and design of injection mold structure, for solve classification and lateral surface of the plastic parts molding and side-pumped bodies of the side holes, design the main part of the structure and processing technology of formed parts of the course. Analysis of design thinking in the design process, programmer and necessary design calculations, specification writing and the calculation formula and the conclusions of the check, and eventually finish writing your graduation project manual. According to the product and plastic properties determine the number of plastic injection moulding production. The product design to production volume is not strictly required, so the design of the mold is mainly to take into account to ensure its quality and precision, gating system by automatic mold release, in addition to ensure the surface quality of plastic parts using the side gate, so selection of injection mold for the parting surface, the gate automatically release structure. Two cavities of mold cavities using a balanced layout, gating system using edge gate, introduced in the form of sloping roofs to launch agency launch of the finished plastic part. Due to technology performance requirements for plastic parts in the cooling system of injection mould, mould design has also been designed. This design not only in reference to the large number of paper documents, and access to information on the Internet, complete the design process.
Key words: inject mold design; lateral core pulling; inclined guide pillar; inclined top; core; cavity
目  录
1  塑件的工艺分析  1
1.1  塑件的原材料分析 1
1.2  塑件的结构和尺寸精度、表面质量分析 2
1.2.1  结构分析 2
1.2.2  尺寸精度分析 2
1.2.3  表面质量分析 2
2  塑件的体积和重量 3
2.1  塑件的体积和质量计算 3
2.2  初选注射机 3
2.3  依据最大锁模力初选设备  4
2.3.1  注射压力的校核 4
2.3.2  锁模力校核 4
2.3.3  型腔数量校核 4
2.4  塑件模塑成型工艺参数的确定 5
3  注射模的结构设计 6
3.1  分型面的选择 6
3.2  型腔数目的确定及型腔的排列 7
3.3  浇注系统的设计 7
3.3.1  主流道设计 8
3.3.2  分流道设计 8
3.3.3  浇口设计 8
3.3.3  冷料井设计 10
3.4  型腔、型芯结构的确定 11
3.5  推出方式的选择 11
3.6  浇注系统凝料脱模 12 汽车灯座注射模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_3370.html