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时间:2021-10-23 11:08来源:毕业论文





Abstract This graduation design teacher to my title is the processing of disc processing and composite mold design, the mold design to low cost, can be mass production for the premise, so the design process I try to mold as simple as possible。 After the knowledge of the stamping die before the card to sort out, I made the workpiece processing points punching, blanking, stretching three steps to complete。

The structure of the frame in the design of the data from the investigation, and to design the structure of the need to conduct research, the study includes: analysis of the structure, accuracy of the accuracy of the process is reasonable and so on。 To design a mold under the premise of low cost and mass production, it is necessary to select the appropriate material for the machining of the workpiece, and to select the most economical way of discharging and to ensure the quality of the product。 To calculate the process value and The value of each part of the mold to achieve the best。 Mold life can be guaranteed, the purpose of the design can be achieved。

And, in the calculation of standard parts and the accuracy of each edge at the same time, as far as possible to all the numerical calculation of standardization, only the various components are standardized design, assembly can achieve the desired purpose to meet the actual production needs。 Finally, when the choice of equipment, to do with the equipment between the best。

Key words:pate processing, stamping die, mold design 。

目  录

摘  要 I


第一章 前言 1

1。1 课题目的及意义 3

1。2 课题的背景 3

1。3 课题研究的内容 3

1。4 课题研究思路 4

1。5 课题研究应注意的问题 4

第二章 工艺分析 6

2。1 材料分析 6

2。2 零件结构 7

2。3 毛坯尺寸展开 7

2。4 尺寸精度 8

第三章 冲裁方案的确定 9

第四章 模具总体结构的确定 10

4。1  模具类型的选择 10 盘加工件加工工艺及复合模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_83429.html
