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时间:2021-10-23 11:16来源:毕业论文



Analysis of Stent Forming Process and Multi - Position Progressive Die

Abstract: Multi-station progressive die is an important part of the stamping die, the punching, bending, stretching, forming process integration in one, on behalf of modern advanced production mode of precision molds。 The graduation design is the stent forming process analysis and multi-station progressive die design, the workpiece to manipulate the bracket as the object, detailing from the product process analysis, calculation data and check to the final mold design of the whole process。 This is a separate project to contact the reality of the actual production, through access to a large number of literature and self-learning and mold design-related knowledge, and then multi-station progressive die design。 The design of the main use of the UG software in the progressive die module, the system from the nest design to mold, punching, bending, forming convex and die and blanking die design and guide column, guide sleeve, screws, pins To add。 After the completion of the mold design, simulation operation and to improve the mold, once again on the mold and related data to check to determine the mold design is reasonable。 Finally, through Autocad to complete the assembly sketch, assembly drawings, parts engineering drawings, and to write a summary of the design instructions。

Key words: Manipulate the bracket;Layout design;Progressive die;Stamping die design


1前言 1

1。1 模具行业的发展现状 1

1。2 级进模 1

1。3课题意义及目的 2

2冲压工艺 3

2。1  制件的工艺性 3

2。1。1  制件材料及性能分析 3

2。1。2  制件的结构工艺性 3

2。1。3制件的尺寸精度 4

2。1。4制件的间断面的表面粗糙度 5

2。2冲压工艺方案 5

2。2。1工艺方案的拟定 5

2。2。2工艺方案的分析比较及确定 5

2。3 冲裁工艺计算 5

2。3。1展开件尺寸计算 5

2。3。2 搭边值的确定 6

2。3。3  排样设计 7

2。3。4 排样图的绘制 9

2。3。5 冲裁工艺力与压力中心 支架成形工艺分析与多工位级进模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_83432.html
