毕业论文关键词:滚动轴承 故障诊断 模拟 检测
The design of the rolling bearing fault test bench
Abstract In the design of the rolling bearing fault test bench , there are some following requirements : 1、Design the rolling bearing fault test bench;2、Complete the drawing of parameters about the bearings and the bearing basic;3、Determine the various parts of the platform;4、The platform can simulate several typical faults of rolling bearings and achieve the fault simulation and testing by replacing several typical faults bearing 。
The design of the platform focus on four typical bearing failure about fatigue, wear, plastic deformation and corrosion, achieve fault simulation and testing by simulating these four typical bearing failure。 And there are several innovations in this platform:1、The Bearing basic is easy to disassemble, and can do experiment of the different bearing fault;2、The speed of shaft is adjustable, the aim of it is to study the impact on the speed of rolling bearings faults;3、Test bench is designed so that it can be easily mounted on vibration, speed, power and other sensors in order to obtain a true test signals。
There are 28 figures and 30 references in this paper。
Key Words: rolling bearing Fault diagnosis simulation detection
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
1 绪论 1
1。1滚动轴承故障诊断的意义 1
1。2滚动轴承故障演化 1
1。3滚动轴承故障诊断的基本环节 2
1。4滚动轴承故障诊断技术的发展趋势 3
2 滚动轴承故障机理 5
2。1滚动轴承故障的表现形式 5
2。2滚动轴承故障产生的原因及改进措施 7
2。3滚动轴承故障的检测方法 15
3 滚动轴承故障试验台设计 19
3。1滚动轴承故障试验台总体设计 19
3。2电机的选型 19
3。3传动元件的选择 21
3。4轴的选型 24
3。5键的选型 25
3。6联轴器的选型 26
3。7滚动轴承的选型 27
3。8滚动轴承座的设计 29
3。9制动器的选型 滚动轴承故障实验平台设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_84510.html