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时间:2024-01-28 09:55来源:毕业论文

摘  要:会计准则与税法对所得税的核算行为要求不同,导致核算的结果存在较大的差异。为了保障企业的正常利益和国家的税收征管,所得税会计逐渐发展完善并成为一门独立的会计学科。应付税款法、损益表债务法和递延法等所得税核算方法都曾出现在税务核算的发展历程中。2007年,我国财政部发布了《企业会计准则》,明文规定,企业应当使用资产负债表债务法来核算所得税费用,原本使用其他核算方法的企业必须对过往的相关项目进行追溯调整。但是在准则出台之前,大多数上市公司或大中型企业,都是在收入费用观的理念下,采用应付税款法核算所得税费用。就我国目前情况而言,如果通过法律法规强制要求统一实施资产负债表债务法,对企业和财务人员来说都无疑存在一定的挑战性。93440


Abstract: Income accounting behavior on Accounting standards and the tax law is different, leading to different results。 In order to ensure the normal business interests and national tax administration, income tax accounting is gradually developing,and become an independent subjects 。 In the development of tax accounting, income tax accounting methods include taxes payable method, income sheet liability method and deferred method, etc。 In 2007 the ministry of finance issued "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises", clearly stipulating that enterprises should use balance sheet debt method to account income tax 。The enterprises which used originally other accounting methods were asked to adjust related projects 。But before, most of the listed companies and large and medium-sized enterprises used the taxes payable method based on Revenue-expense View for accounting income tax expenses。 As far as the current situation in our country, if implemented uniformly by the laws and regulations requiring the balance sheet debt method, there is no doubt a challenge for enterprises and financial personnel。

Key Words:Asset-Liability View, Revenue-expense View, Income Tax Accounting


1。引言 3

1。1研究背景 3

1。2研究意义 3

1。3文献综述 4

2。所得税会计概述 5

2。1所得税会计的含义 5

2。2会计准则与税法的差异和调整 5

2。3暂时性差异的处理 5

2。3。1应纳税暂时性差异处理 6

2。3。2可抵扣暂时性差异处理 6

3。 所得税会计处理:基于资产负债观与收入费用观的比较 7

3。1资产负债观与收入费用观对收益计量的影响 7

3。2我国采用资产负债表债务法的意义 8

4我国所得税会计在应用过程中存在的问题 9

4。1税前扣除标准不够详尽 9

4。2公允价值计量存在问题 9

4。3 核算方法较为复杂 9

5。 我国所得税会计的改进建议 11

5。1完善会计准则制度 11

5。2推动市场基础设施建设,改善会计环境 11

5。3 对所得税的核算方法进行大胆合理的改革 所得税会计在应用过程中存在的问题及改进建议:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_201275.html
