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时间:2024-05-23 22:10来源:95458



Optimization of Baosteel 's Share Financing Structure

Abstract:Baosteel has become a leader in the steel industry in China. With the healthy and stable development of our economy, the continuous improvement of capital market mechanism and the deepening of investment and financing system reform, Baosteel will have more financing channels to optimize the financing structure.This paper analyzes the proportion of equity and debt financing structure of Baosteel on the basis of the annual report of Baosteel from 2011 to 2015. Secondly, according to the disclosure in the annual report, the changes of economic environment and the internal governance of Baosteel's shares are matched with equity and creditor's rights And finally make recommendations on the existing financing situation of Baosteel. It is concluded that the optimization of Baosteel's financing structure is a complex and systematic problem. But the financing structure of Baosteel is stronger than that of other enterprises and has a reference to other enterprises in the same industry.

Key words: Financing structure;Equity financing;Debt financing


0引言 1

1相关理论 1

1.1广义融资结构 1

1.2狭义融资结构 2

1.3融资结构定义 2

1.4融资结构的分类 3

1.4.1股权融资 3

1.4.2债权融资 3

2宝钢股份融资结构现状 4

2.1股权融资对宝钢股份融资结构的影响 5

2.2债权融资对宝钢股份融资结构的影响 5

3形成宝钢股份融资结构现状的原因 6

3.1宝钢股份融资结构的外部因素 6

3.1.1宏观经济现状 6

3.1.2钢铁行业发展现状 7

3.1.3投资者的风险偏好 7

3.2宝钢股份融资结构的内部因素 8

3.2.1宝钢股份股数变动 8

3.2.2宝钢股份每股收益变化 8

3.2.3宝钢股份长期借款变化 9

4宝钢股份融资结构建议 9

4.1优化宝钢股份融资结构优化的治理外部机制 9

4.1.1完善和拓宽证券市场的融资渠道 9

4.1.2改变投资者的投资策略 10

4.1.3建立适合宝钢股份的信用评级体系 宝钢股份融资结构优化研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_203972.html
