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时间:2023-05-08 21:32来源:毕业论文

摘要核糖体是细胞内蛋白质合成的场所,它对细胞生长、组织分化和发育都有十分重要的作用。近期的研究显示,RPL10A蛋白可以从细胞质穿梭到细胞核内,通过与MYB类似蛋白互作,形成L10-INTERACTING MYB DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN复合物(LIMYB),从而下调整个翻译系统调节下的基因表达。从而增强植株对菜豆金色花叶病毒的耐性,这是在植物中新发现的抗病毒机制。我们的前期实验已经证实了PVX/AtRPL10A重组病毒接种本氏烟草后,会加重植株的矮化和病斑,同时还对育性有重要影响。而RPL10基因亚家族具有三个成员,RPL10A, RPL10B, RPL10C。  PVX/RPL10B及PVX/RPL10C是否也具有类似的表型,还未知。本课题通过克隆拟南芥RPL10B,构建PVX/RPL10B重组载体,并对RPL10B基因的生物信息学预测分析,将为研究RPL10B的功能奠定基础。88669

Abstract Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis in cells, and they play an important role in cell growth, tissue differentiation and development。  Recent studies have shown that the RPL10A protein can shuttle to the nucleus, and through interacting with MYB-like protein , forming the L10-INTERACTING MYB DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN complex (LIMYB)。 This complex can adjust the translation system of plant protein synthesis。 So as to enhance the tolerance of plants to begomovirus , which is a newly discovered antiviral mechanism in plants。 Our preliminary experiments have demonstrated that the recombinant PVX/AtRPL10A virus inoculating Nicotiana benthamiana plants are  dwarf and more sensitive to the virus。 Also having important influence to sterility。 The RPL10 gene subfamily has three members: RPL10A, RPL10B, RPL10C。whether PVX/RPL10B and PVX/RPL10C also have similar phenotypes are still unknown。 Cloning of Arabidopsis RPL10B and constructing PVX/RPL10B recombinant vector,as well as bioinformatics prediction analysis of  RPL10B, will lay the foundation for studying the function of RPL10B。

毕业论文关键词:核糖体大亚基; RPL10B; 重组载体; 基因克隆

  Key Words : Ribosomal large subunit ; RPL10B; Recombinant vector; Gene cloning

目   录

1 引言4

    1。1 拟南芥源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 和核糖体4

    1。2。 抗病毒机制4

    1。3 核糖体亚基RPL105

        1。3。1 rpl10基因性质5

        1。3。2 核糖体蛋白L10的生物学功能5

        1。3。3 RPL10B基因5

2 材料与方法5

    2。1 实验材料5

    2。2 实验方法6

        2。2。1 植物叶片总RNA的提取6

        2。2。2 RNA逆转录6

        2。2。3 PCR扩增目的基因7

        2。2。4 PCR产物回收8

        2。2。5 目标片段及载体双酶切8

        2。2。6 载体连接9

        2。2。7 转化DH5α9



2。2。10 测序验证10

3 结果与分析11

3。1 AtRPL10B的生物信息学From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 预测11



3。2  PCR产物电泳图11

3。3  AtRPL10B基因克隆12

  3。4  PVX/AtRPL10B重组载体构建14

4 讨论15


