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时间:2023-05-03 22:25来源:毕业论文

摘要 按照体育人才的需要和健美操课程在现在这个社会上的特点,并且依据这方面长期的探索以及实践的基础,再把教学、社会实践、信息反馈三者紧密结合为一个共同体,从而创造出了“三位一体“健美操教学新体系,随后在健美课程教学中得到广泛应用,健美教学所独有的风格也得到了充分的体现。各大高校也是以美操运动来加强学生之间的交流互动。健美操运动也成为了很重要的一个项目。在近几年来看,杭州师范大学在健美操运动方面的研究以及基础都还比较薄弱,并没有一个较完善的系统来带领这一项运动。因此,对这方面进行探讨、研究与分析是十分必要的,该如何培养杭州师范大学健身操“三位一体”学生,我从杭州师范大学健美操“三位一体”培养现状的基础上进行研究与分析,并寻找出更加适合杭州师范大学在健美操“三位一体”学生方面的培养,为杭州师范大学健美操项目的后备人才培养,以及管理方面和运行实施的发展和推进提供一定的帮助。88590


  In accordance with the needs of sports talents and the characteristics of aerobics courses in our society, and on the basis of the long-term exploration and practice basis, the teaching, social practice, information feedback three closely integrated as a community, thus creating a "three-in-one" aerobics teaching system, then widely used in aerobics teaching, the unique style of teaching aerobics has been fully reflected。 The major colleges and universities are to strengthen the interaction between students in the United States to exercise exercise。 Aerobics has become a very important project。 In recent years, the research and foundation of Aerobics in our school are still weak, and there is not a perfect system to lead the movement。 Therefore, research on this aspect were discussed, and the analysis is very necessary, how to cultivate setting-up exercise "trinity" of hangzhou normal university student, I'm from hangzhou normal university aerobics "trinity" training on the basis of the status quo of research and analysis, and find out the more suitable for hangzhou normal university in aerobics "the trinity" the cultivation of the students, hangzhou normal university aerobics projects as backup talent cultivation, and the development of the management and operational implementation and offer some help。

    Keywords:  Aerobics;  Trinity;  Trinity

目   录

1前    言 7

1。1研究依据 7

1。1。1研究背景 7

1。1。2研究目的与意义 8

1。2相关概念界定 8

1。2。1健美操 8

1。2。2“三位一体” 8

1。3 “三位一体”招生的意义 9

1。3。1建立多元化招生考试评价体系 9

1。3。2人才结构多样性选拔 9

1。3。3引导学生个性发展 9

2研究对象与方法 10

2。1研究对象 10

2。2研究方法 10

2。2。1文献资料法 10

2。2。2访谈法 10

2。2。3问卷调查法 大学健美操“三位一体”学生培养现状调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_164334.html
