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时间:2023-12-02 20:55来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the progress of economic and social development, and constantly improve the quality of people's lives, in our country, is known as one of the world's four gentlemen sports tennis, as well as competitive sports, in the international arena gradually occupy a space for one person, through literature, comprehensive analysis, on the base of the short youth tennis population Taicang City, the little tennis teachers, cognitive approach of short tennis project, short tennis facilities, the Taicang short tennis population, weak teachers less way to understand tennis, facilities need to be improved, the training method is less, the lack of training。 Therefore, in view of the current shortage of Taicang City Tennis exist, this paper presents the cultivation and strengthen the construction of coaches, strengthen the little tennis promotion, accelerate the construction of the tennis venue, attaches great importance to the development of school sport of tennis, short tennisdevelopment from domestic and foreign advanced experience。 For the development of Taicang City Youth little tennis movement of the mentioned suggestions, to lay a solid foundation for the perfection of the tennis career development and the system, and play its due role。

Key words: taicang City, Suzhou,  The tennis Club Hotel,   the development of the   status quo

1前言 3

2研究对象与方法 3

2。1研究对象 3

2。2研究方法 3

2。2。1文献资料法 3

2。2。2问卷调查法 3

2。2。3数理统计法 3

3研究结果与分析 3

3。1短式网球运动人口基数。 3

3。2短式网球师资情况 4

3。3认识短式网球项目途径 5

3。4短式网球场地设施情况 5

3。5短式网球设施了解情况 6

3。6短式网球训练途径与强度 7

4结论与建议 8

4。1结论 8

4。1。1太仓市短式网球运动人口基数不大 8

4。1。2教练员综合能力不高 8

4。1。3认识短式网球运动途径少 太仓市青少年短式网球发展现状与研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_199264.html
