Abstract: China has always been a strong center, Yao Ming is a great success in NBA。 Under the leadership of China's outstanding center, the national team has always been proud of the achievements in the competition。 Now in the Asian men's Basketball Championships repeatedly defeated, 2012 2016 Olympic Games is a basketball player to win, not serious。 CBA is the highest level of local men's basketball season, the domestic non strong center and contact signing talent shows itself worthy of our consideration。 In this paper, using the method of literature, observation, logical analysis and other research methods to investigate the CBA center position players, the domestic players center withered phenomenon and the League relationship between the introduction of foreign aid, provide the basis for the follow-up work for the domestic training of young players。 The results show that: the introduction of foreign aid seriously affects the development of the center position players, young and talented players should get more time and opportunity to play。 We can increase the summer league in the summer, to aid little debut time, such young players have plenty of time for training, practical experience will be greatly increased, thereby increasing the training of young players。
Keywords: Center-forward,CBA, foreign aid, The unprecedented
目 录
1前言 5
2研究对象与方法 5
2。1研究对象 5
2。2研究方法 5
2。2。1文献资料法 5
2。2。2数理分析法 5
2。2。3逻辑分析法 5
2。2。4观察法 5
3结果与分析 5
3。1中国男子篮球运动中锋位置发展概况 5
3。2CBA外援引进对中锋篮球运动的影响 7
3。2。1CBA引进外援的利与弊 8
3。2。2CBA外援引进对中锋篮球运动的影响 9
4 结论与建议 13
4。1结论 13
4。2建议 13
参考文献 14
1 前言来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766
中国篮球一直以来不乏强力中锋,穆铁柱巴特尔王治郅姚明易建联都曾带领中国男篮创造辉煌。姚明更是在NBA大杀四方,在国际赛事具有强大的统治力,取得巨大的成功。而今,姚明早已退役,国家队仅靠易建联一人支撑,无人崭露头角。不禁让人感叹,男篮中锋青黄不接,易建联后继无人。CBA是我国最高水平的男子篮球联赛,王治郅姚明易建联无不在此起步,打出名堂,成为一代代领袖。可是如今中国年轻内线球员表现平平,在联盟中难以出类拔萃。近些年来,联赛的引援机制一再修改,引来球迷热议。那么中国男篮青黄不接的现象与CBA联赛的引援机制有何关系值得我们深思。 CBA联赛外援对我国中锋球员培养的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_199440.html