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时间:2024-02-14 20:30来源:毕业论文

摘 要: 排球运动是在我国和世界开展得比较普遍和重要的体育运动项目之一,深受各阶层的人们特别是青少年的喜欢。排球运动是我国传统的球类运动,加之我国女排在20世纪80年代取得五连冠,以及17年后的2003年重夺世界杯冠军和2004年奥运冠军,使得排球运动项目在国人心目中保持着比较高的地位,一直有着良好的群众基础,尤其是在国家大力推行全民健身运动的时代契机下,排球运动正迎来前所未有的发展时机。大学校园排球运动的开展一直是我国排球运动开展的重要组成部分,对其发展现状研究一定程度上可以反映高校中排球运动的开展情况,由此可见对高校中排球运动发展现状的研究具有一定的现实意义。本文运用文献资料法、数理统计法等方法对淮阴师范学院大学生排球运动开展参与现状进行分析,通过分析寻找排球运动在本学校开展过程中遇到的问题和困难,并提供合理化建议为排球运动在本校的健康发展提供帮助。93817


Abstract  Volleyball is one of the most popular and important sports in China and the world。 It is loved by people of all walks of life, especially teenagers。 Volleyball is a traditional Chinese sport, coupled with China's women's volleyball team in 1980s five, and 17 years later in 2003 to regain the world cup champion and Olympic champion in 2004, has maintained a relatively high status in the Chinese people's mind of volleyball, has a good mass base, especially in the state vigorously the national fitness movement era opportunity, volleyball is ushering in the hitherto unknown development opportunity。 The university campus volleyball has been an important part of China's volleyball movement development, the current situation of the development of the research to a certain extent, can reflect the volleyball in Colleges and universities to carry out the situation, it is of practical significance to research on the current situation of the development of Volleyball in Colleges and Universities thus。 In this paper, using the method of literature, mathematical statistics and other methods to carry out the analysis of the present situation of college students participating in Volleyball in Huaiyin Normal University, through the analysis for the volleyball movement in the development process of the problems and difficulties encountered in the school, and to provide reasonable suggestions to provide help for the healthy development of Volleyball in our school

Keywords:  Volleyball, status quo, analysis

目    录

1前言 5

2研究对象与方法 5

2。1 实验对象 5

2。2 研究方法 5

2。2。1 文献资料法 5

2。2。2 问卷调查法 5

2。2。3 数理统计法 5

2。2。4 访谈法 5

3结果与分析 6

3。1淮阴师范学院大学生喜欢参与运动的分析 6

3。2淮阴师范学院大学生参与排球运动形式分析 7

3。3淮阴师范学院大学生参与排球运动的频率分析 7

3。4淮阴师范学院大学生每次参与排球运动的时间分析 7

3。5淮阴师范学院大学生每次参与排球运动的动机分析 师范学院排球运动开展现状与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_201735.html
