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时间:2024-07-27 10:56来源:96008
PLC某600吨船损管监控系统下位测控系统设计。下位机的系统设计主要目的是为了对船舶当前状态和参数的采集处理 和上报,掌握船舶关键状态的数据,为上位机人机交互显示提供数据支

摘要:损害管制系统的发展得益于第二次世界大战。海战中大量舰船战损使 海军意识到,战舰的首次损害往往不是导致战舰沉没的直接原因,首次损 害发生后得不到有效控制所引发的连锁反应才是导致大部分船舶失去生命 力的主要原因。有效的损管系统能大幅提高船舶受损后的生命力,因此各 国海军开始重视船舶损害管制系统的研发。现代损害管制是当船舶运行期 间对船舶状态进行监测和控制。当船舶某关键状态变量超出发生危险的临 界值时,利用监测、通信、人机交互等手段,尽可能即时准确地报告和控 制威胁舰船安全的因素,以确保船舶运行在安全的状态下。

下位机的系统设计主要目的是为了对船舶当前状态和参数的采集处理 和上报,掌握船舶关键状态的数据,为上位机人机交互显示提供数据支持。 该损管下位测控系统主要由损管台和损管采集箱组成。通过底层的传感器 对数据进行采集。传感器采样上来的压力模拟量电流信号,通过采样电路 转化为电压信号,并最终对模拟量真实值显示。通过损管采集箱的 I/O 口将 信号汇总到损管采集箱,损管采集箱采用 S7-200PLC 为处理器,运用 STEP7 编写了 PLC 的配套程序,完成损管采集箱与 PC 的以太网通信。根据系统 要求硬件选型,设计控制设备外部电路,绘制电气原理接线图,绘制安装 板和综合控制板的尺寸布置图。系统调试结果显示,最后完成的系统实现 了预期功能,满足下位机测控系统的设计要求。


Abstract:The development of the damage control system benefited from the World War II.A large number of damaged ships sunk in naval battles made the Navy realized that the first damage to the ships was not the direct cause of the sinking, and the chain reaction caused by the lack of effective control after the first damage occurred was the main cause of the loss of vitality for most ships. The Effective damage control system can significantly improve the vitality of the ship after the damage, so the navies began to pay attention to ship damage control system research and development.Modern damage control is the monitoring and control of the ship's condition during the operation of the ship. When the ship's key state variables beyond the threshold of risk, utilizing the means such as monitoring, communication, human-machine interaction, real-time and accurately report and control the threat to ship, in order to ensure ship running in a safe condition.

The main purpose of the Lower position machine system design is to process and report the current state and parameters of the ship, grasp the key state of ship data, provide data support for PC man-machine interactive display. The damage control system mainly consists of Damage control platform and Damage control signal collection box. The data is collected by the underlying sensors, The pressure analog current signal is converted  by  the sampling circuit to voltage signal, and finally the actual value of the simulation is shown. The signal is collected to the Damage control signal collection box by input port, Damage control signal collection box uses s7-200plc as the processor, write the suited program of PLC by STEP7. Complete the Ethernet communication between Damage control signal collection box and the PC. According to the system requirements, design the external circuit of control appliance, Draw electrical wiring diagram, Draw Size layout of Mounting plate and integrated control panel. System debug results show that the finished system achieves the expected function, Meet the design requirements of the control system.

Keywords: PLC; monitoring and warning system; ship; Lower position machine

第一章 PLC某600吨船损管监控系统下位测控系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_204398.html
