    摘要随着科技领域的发展,对其材料的摩擦润滑性能要求越来越高,固体润滑剂因其适用环境广等优点而得到广泛的应用。石墨独特的原子结构使其具有良好的润滑性能,从而作为改善摩擦性能的主要研究对象,是固体润滑剂的典型代表。而石墨烯的理论摩擦系数要小于石墨,其摩擦润滑性能也得到了广泛的研究。碳基纳米固体润滑剂包括石墨烯、碳纳米管以及富勒烯结构, 本文重点阐述了液相等离子体法制备石墨烯及碳基纳米固体润滑剂的摩擦学性能。利用液相等离子体法制备石墨烯,采用扫描电镜(SEM)对实验所得石墨烯的形貌进行观察,同时利用拉曼光谱分析法对石墨烯的结构进行表征。将制得的石墨烯作为润滑油的纳米添加剂,利用摩擦试验机来研究其摩擦润滑的性能。实验发现,所用的碳酸钠溶液的浓度越高,电弧放电所需的电压相对减小;石墨烯比纳米金刚石添加剂的润滑性能好。23145
    Title  Solution plasma processing for preparing carbon-based solid lubricant
    With the development of technology, mechanical parts demand higher tribological properties and solid lubricant has a wide rang of application coverage because it can adapt to more environment. As we all know, graphite has special lamellar structure, which provide nice lubricating performance and people focus on graphite, which is the typical example of solid lubricant, for improving materials’ tribological properties. The theoretical coefficient of friction of graphene is smaller than graphite, so researchers are interested in graphenes’ tribological properties.    Carbon-based nano solid lubricant includes graphene、carbon nano tube and fullerene, and in this paper, we introduce solution plasma processing for preparing graphene and discuss the tribological properties of carbon-based solid lubricant.Using solution plasma processing to prepare graphene, then observe morphology of graphene by SEM, analyse the texture and the number of graphenes’ plies with Raman spectroscopy.  Graphene, as nano-particle, is dispered in lubricating oil and research tribological properties of the system, including the friction coefficient and wear rate.
    By experiment,we find that the output voltage is reduced with the concentration of sodium carbonate solution growing and graphene as nano-particle has higher tribological properties than nanodiamond.
    Keywords:  graphene,  tribological properties, solution plasma processing, nano-particles
     目  次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1引言    1
    1.2 固体润滑剂    1
    1.2.1 固体润滑剂种类    1
    1.2.2 固体润滑机理    3
    1.2.3 固体润滑应用    4
    1.3 石墨烯的概述    4
    1.3.1 石墨烯的发现    4
    1.3.2 石墨烯的性质    5
    1.3.3 石墨烯的应用前景    6
    1.3.4 石墨烯的制备    6
    1.3.5 碳基复合固体润滑剂    7
    2 试验过程及方法    8
    2.1 分析测试方法    8
    2.1.2 石墨烯做添加剂摩擦性能    10
    2.2试验流程    10
    3 实验结果及分析    13
    3.1 液相等离子体放电法部分参数    13
    3.2 石墨烯的表征    14
    3.3 石墨烯做润滑油添加剂摩擦性能表征    16
    实验讨论与总结    21
    致  谢    22
    参考文献    23
    1 绪论
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