    究了单质硅粉氧化法制备硅溶胶的工艺条件和钙镁硅酸盐合成的影响因素, 结果
    好的稀土掺杂的钙镁硅酸盐材料Ca2MgSi2O7。  5685
    Materials Synthesis and Properties of Calcium
    Magnesium Silicate
    Abstract: As a new generation of  long-lasting materials, rare earth doped alkaline
    earth silicate and aluminates  are widely used in emergency display, traffic sign,
    decorative craft and even fabric printing and other areas. SiO2 sol was prepared by the
    oxidation of elemental silicon powder method and rare earth doped calcium
    magnesium silicate material were  synthesized by combustion synthesis. Synthesis
    process  conditions of the oxidation of elemental silicon powder to prepare SiO2 sol
    and influencing factors of fabricating calcium and magnesium silicates were  studied
    in detail. The results show that, it is beneficial for the SiO2sol with higher pH value to
    synthesis magnesium silicate product.  The furnace temperature in the process of
    combustion  synthesis and experimental materials ratio are key factors in this
    experiment. Finally,  by technology regulation, rare earth doped calcium magnesium
    silicate materialCa2MgSi2O7 with better luminescence properties could be obtained.
     Keywords: silicon oxidation method;combustion synthesis;Silicate
    目 录
    引言  1
    1 文献综述 .2
    1.1  长余辉材料简介  .2
    1.1.1   简述  2
    1.1.2   分类  2
    1.1.3   应用  3
    1.2  硅酸盐长余辉材料 .3
    1.2.1   硅酸盐长余辉材料的发展  .3
    1.2.2   硅酸盐长余辉材料的制备  .4
    1.3  硅酸盐长余辉材料的种类  5
    1.3.1   硅酸锶  5
    1.3.2   硅酸钙镁  5
    1.4  课题研究的目的及意义  6
    2 实验部分 .7
    2.1  实验原料  .7
    2.2  实验仪器  .7
    2.3  实验步骤  .8
    2.3.1  硅溶胶的制备  8
    2.3.2  硅酸钙镁材料的制备  .9
    2.3.3  稀土掺杂的硅酸钙镁材料的制备 .  10
    2.4  性能测试  .  10
    3  实验结果与讨论  .  11
    3.1  硅溶胶的制备  .  11
    3.1.1   单质硅氧化法   11
    3.1.2   硅酸钠为原料pH值调节法   13
    3.1.3   两种方法的对比   14
    3.1.4   计算硅溶胶中二氧化硅的含量 .  14 硅酸钙镁盐合成及其性能研究
    3.2  燃烧合成制备钙镁硅酸盐研究    15
    3.2.1   不同的炉温对燃烧产物的影响 .  15
    3.2.2   不同的pH对合成产物的影响   17
    3.2.3   助燃剂对合成产物的影响  .  17
    3.3  掺杂稀土后的钙镁硅酸盐研究    18
    3.4  燃烧产物形貌的分析 .  20
    3.5  燃烧产物激发-发射光谱的分析  .  21
    3.5.1   激发光谱分析   21
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