    A study on methods of removing plasticizer pollution
    Abstract:Plasticizer pollution,known as PAEs,whicn seriously affect people's health and cause environmental pollution,this experiment aims to study the removal of PAEs by physical and chemical adsorption. This experiment established the adsorption rate of polymeric adsorbent to the alcohol solutions and 3 kinds of PAEs. Pretreat the polymeric adsorbent, optimize the operating parameters and find the best experiment conditions. Studied the effects of mixed samples on adsorption rate by the concentration of ethanol,plasticizers,different sources of plasticizer.The results show that, polymeric adsorbent has good adsorption ability for PAEs. The method enjoys peculiarities as simple,rapid,accurate,high sensitivity,high specificity. Research on the methods of removal PAEs suitable for liquor such as white spirit.
     KeyWords:PAEs,high efficiency liquid chromatography,polymeric adsorbent  
    1.    绪论    4
    1.1.    邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂概述    4
    1.1.1.    邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)    4
    1.1.2.    邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)    5
    1.1.3.    邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯(DEHP)    5
    1.2.    邻苯二甲酸酯的检测、去除方法综述    6
    1.2.1.    邻苯二甲酸酯的检测方法    6
    1.2.2.    邻苯二甲酸酯的去除方法    6
    1.3.    研究背景    8
    1.4.    课题主要研究内容和目标    8
    1.5.    方案论证    9
    2.    试验部分    10
    2.1.    药品    10
    2.2.    仪器和设备    11
    2.3.    实验过程    11
    2.3.1.    标准溶液的制备    11
    2.3.2.    吸附树脂对不同浓度DMP混合溶液的吸附能力    11
    2.3.3.    吸附树脂对不同增塑剂混合溶液的吸附能力    13
    2.3.4.    吸附树脂对不同来源溶液的吸附能力    14
    2.4.    测定    14
    2.5.    公式计算    14
    3.    结果与讨论    17
    3.1.    样品前处理    17
    3.2.    液相色谱测量结果    18
    3.3.    乙醇浓度对反应结果的影响    19
    3.4.    不同增塑剂对反应结果的影响    19
    3.5.    不同来源含增塑剂溶液对反应结果的影响    20
    3.6.    其他影响因素    21
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