    摘要:随着社会经济的快速发展和人类生活水平的不断提高,现有的供水行业面临着前所未有的挑战。 一方面,生产与生活排放的污染物越来越多,导致我国水源水质日趋恶化,水中污染物尤其是有机污染物越来越多。另一方面,生活饮用水水质标准大幅提高。在新形势下,常规饮用水处理工艺已不堪重负,其自身存在对有机微污染物、氨氮等无法有效去除的弱点,氯化过程不但不能有效地灭活水中抗氯型的病源寄生虫等病原微生物,还导致了对人体健康危害更大的有机卤化物的形成,处理后的生活饮用水安全性难以保证。因此必须开发新的饮用水处理技术,才能保证人们安全用水。6745
    关键词: UF超滤膜;自来水;水处理;分析
    Analysis and research about filter technique of tap water by ultrafiltration membrane  
    Abstract: With the rapid development of society and the increasing standard of human's daily life , The existing water supplying systems is facing unprecedented challenges. On the one hand, Pollutant emissions of our production and living is escalation, resulting the deterioration of water quality of our nation directly. Water pollutants, especially, the organic pollutants are accumulating,. On the other hand, with the demand for drinking water standard is enhancing , Traditional way of water treatment technique has been overwhelmed and it still exists so many weakness,for instance, it is unable to response to some certain organic or ammonia nitrogen compounds, process of  chlorination can not kill some pathogenic microorganism like ant-chloride Pathogenic parasites effectively , so it causes health hazards to our body easily.Now it is high time to research and develop a new technology of drinking water treatment to ensure a safer and better life.     
        Filter technique of tap water filtration by ultrafiltration membrane plays an important role in pharmaceutical factory. The quality of pharmaceutical water can affect the final product's quality directly. Thus,qualified pure-water is an assurance of drug quality, a vast number of foreign drugs are brought to china to be tested and controlled , and the water system becomes a key point of its evaluation system.
    Key Words:  UF;tap water;water treatment;analysis
    1绪论    1
    1.1纯化水制备    1
    1.1.1纯化水制备方法选定原则    1
    1.1.2纯化水制备方法    1
    1.2膜技术的发展概述    3
    1.2.1膜的定义与分类    3
    1.2.2超滤膜技术    3
    1.2.3超滤膜技术在自来水处理应用中的特点    4
    1.2.4超滤膜过滤器    5
    1.3 超滤膜在自来水处理中的应用现状    7
    1.4 本文研究方向、重点、及意义    7
    2实验部分    9
    2.1实验试剂及仪器    9
    2.1.1实验试剂    9
    2.1.2实验仪器    9
    2.2超滤膜过滤自来水工艺    9
    2.2.1预处理    9
    2.2.2一级和二级除盐过程    11
    2.2.3端终过滤    11
    2.3系统验证实验    12
    2.3.1完整性测试    13
    2.3.2内毒素检测    13
    2.3.3微生物限度检测    13
    2.3.4 TOC——总有机碳    14
    2.3.5溶出物    15
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