Figure 13 shows the original shape peak signal of detecting roller. The channels covered by the strip have stable sensitive peak signals which are almost free from outside noises. The signals of other channels are clean and have no zero-drift phenomenon. It is the basis of the shape detecting system to correctly detect the cold strip shape in the industrial production. Figure 14 shows real-time typical shape (edge wave, middle wave and good shape), which truly reflects actual shape status of online strip. For example of some steel coil, product specification is 0.6 mm × 1 090 mm, material is ST12, and rolling speed is 600 m/min. Figure 15 shows lateral distributions of strip shape, where the largest shape  Fig. 14 Actual shape statuses of industry: (a) Edge wave;    (b) Middle wave; (c) Good shape   Fig. 15 Lateral distribution of measured strip shape  deviation is 20 I under the open loop shape control, and  6 I under the close-loop shape control. Figure 16 shows the longitudinal distributions of strip shape. Before the close-loop shape control applied, only pre-setting (open-loop) works, so the shape values have large fluctuations and poor stability. After the close- loop shape control applied, the shape deviations are controlled within 6 I effectively and steadily.   Fig. 16 Longitudinal distribution of strip shape  8 Conclusions  1) The innovative structure of internal shape detecting roller could ensure accuracy and stability of shape signal, and have many good features to meet the industrial requirements, such as high rigidity, good wear resistance, avoiding scratching the strip surface and long service period. 2) The embeded DSP shape signal processing board has high processing speed of shape signal, good anti-interference  ability and reliability, powerful comprehensive compensation ability. The shape detecting precision reaches 0.2 I. 3) The close-loop shape control precision is within 6 I. 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