This study pavesthe way for further research, preferably in dif-ferent professional settings, aimed at confirm-ing or refuting its results and refining itstheoretical and managerial implications.Finally, this work has some inherent limita-tions that should be addressed in futureresearch. Firstly, we specifically focused on healthcare organizations. Although this workenvironment might be particularly effectivefor studying the knowledge–innovation link,future research could be extended to other ser-vices environments, such as call-centres,schools and police departments. Secondly, wemainly explored the sharing of tacit knowl-edge among employees. While tacit knowl-edge certainly represents a type of knowledgethat is particularly difficult and ‘tricky’ toshare – and for this reason deserves specificresearch attention – future studies mightinvestigate whether and how the sharing ofexplicit knowledge (e.g., formal organizationalprocesses, databases, job descriptions) mightalso affect employees’ innovative behaviour.Furthermore, the cross-sectional nature of thisstudy prevents us from drawing definitecausal inferences about the relationshipsbetween variables. Future longitudinal studiesmight address this issue. Follow-up studiescould also improve our model by addingfurther variables that more comprehensivelyexplain the mediating mechanisms that trans-late knowledge sharing into innovative behav-iour, and the reasons why employees’ abilityand opportunity to share knowledge are con-ducive to their engaging in those behaviours.AcknowledgementsWe appreciate the generous support of theSwiss
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