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Adv. Manuf. (2016) 4:363–370 DOI 10.1007/s40436-016-0164-3

Accuracy analysis of omnidirectional mobile manipulator with mecanum wheels

Shuai Guo1  •  Yi Jin1  •  Sheng Bao1  •  Feng-Feng  Xi2

Received: 10 January 2016 / Accepted: 11 November 2016 / Published online: 9 December  2016

© Shanghai University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg   2016

Abstract This article is based on  the omnidirectional mobile manipulator with mecanum wheels built at Shang- hai University. The article aims to find and analyze the parameters of kinematic equation of the omnidirectional system which affects its motion accuracy. The method of solving the parameter errors involves three phases. The first step is equation operation to achieve the equation of rela- tive errors. The second step is to obtain the displacement errors of the system via experiment and combine the error results with kinematic equation deduction to solve the geometric parameter errors in two methods. The third step is to verify its validity via comparing experiments. We can then revise its kinematics equation  afterwards.

Keywords Mecanum wheel · Displacement error · Monte Carlo analysis · Interval analysis

1 Introduction

Recently, with the development of industrial robots, the mobile robots have been used in various industries. Compared to traditional mobile robots, the omnidirec- tional mobile robots have a broad application prospect in aerospace and other fields, as it can move in any direction and    its    turning    radius    can    be    zero.       Mecanum

omnidirectional mobile platform is a popular omnidirec- tional mobile robot. It can flexibly complete various tasks in  crowded space.

The mobile platform built for riveting the rocket skin is shown in Fig. 1, which includes a mecanum omnidirec- tional mobile platform, laser sensors, a manipulator with six degrees of freedom. In order to make the mobile platform move precisely, we need to revise its movement equation. Muir and Neuman [1] have developed a kine- matic model of mecanum robot using  matrix  theory. Wang and Chang [2] carried out error analysis interns of distribution with four mecanum wheels. Shimada et al. [3] introduced a position corrective feedback control method using a vision sensor on mecanum-wheel omnidirectional vehicles. Qian et al. [4] developed a more detailed anal- ysis on the installation angle of roller. This paper does a further study from the perspective of the deformation  of the roller and provides two methods to revise its move- ment equation.

















