The analysis pass finds the last complete checkpoint log record, and reads in the DirtyPageTable from this record. It then sets RedoLSN to the minimum of the RecLSNs of the pages in the DirtyPageTable. If there are no dirty pages, it sets RedoLSN to the LSN of the checkpoint log record. The redo pass starts its scan of the log from RedoLSN. All the log records earlier than this point have already been applied to the database pages on disk. The analysis pass initially sets the list of transactions to be undone, undo-list, to the list of transactions in the checkpoint log record. The analysis pass also reads from the checkpoint log record the LSNs of the last log record for each transaction in undo-list.73805

The analysis pass continues scanning forward from the checkpoint. Whenever it finds a log record for a transaction not in the undo-list, it adds the transaction to undo-list. Whenever it finds a transaction end log record, it deletes the transaction from undo-list. All transactions left in undo-list at the end of analysis have to be rolled back later, in the undo pass. The analysis pass also keeps track of the last record of each transaction in undo-list, which is used in the undo pass.

The analysis pass also updates DirtyPageTable whenever it finds a log record for an update on a page. If the page is not in DirtyPageTable, the analysis pass adds it to DirtyPageTable, and sets the Rec LSN of the page to the LSN of the log record.

The redo pass repeats history by replaying every action that is not already reflected in the page on disk. The redo pass scans the log forward from RedoLSN. Whenever it finds an update log record, it takes this action:

1. If the page is not in DirtyPageTable or the LSN of the update log record is less than the RecLSN of the page in DirtyPageTable, then the redo pass skips the log record. 

2. Otherwise the redo pass fetches the page from disk, and if the PageLSN is less than the LSN of the log record, it redoes the log record.

Note that if either of the tests is negative, then the effects of the log record have already appeared on the page; otherwise the effects of the log record are not reflected on the page. Since ARIES allows non-idempotent physiological log records, a log record should not be redone if its effect is already reflected on the page. If the first test is negative, it is not even necessary to fetch the page from disk to check its Page LSN.

Servers are usually owned by the enterprise providing the service, but there is an increasing trend for service providers to rely at least in part upon servers that are owned by a “third party” that is neither the client nor the service provider.

One model for using third-party servers is to outsource the entire service to another company that hosts the service on its own computers using its own software. This allows the service provider to ignore most details of technology and focus on the marketing of the service.

Another model for using third-party servers is cloud computing, in which the service provider runs its own software, but runs it on computers provided by another company. Under this model, the third party does not provide any of the application software; it provides only a collection of machines. These machines are not “real” machines, but rather simulated by software that allows a single real computer to simulate several independent computers. Such simulated machines are called virtual machines. The service provider runs its software (possibly including a database system) on these virtual machines. A major advantage of cloud computing is that the service provider can add machines as needed to meet demand and release them at times of light load. This can prove to be highly cost-effective in terms of both money and energy.

A third model uses a cloud computing service as a data server; such cloud-based data storage systems are covered in detail in Section 19.9. Database applications using cloud-based storage may run on the same cloud (that is, the same set of machines), or on another cloud. The bibliographical references provide more information about cloud-computing systems.
















