1-3 SPECIFIC PROCESSES。 The specific processes addressed in this handbook are asbestos delagging, torpedo refurbishing (Otto Fuel II), fiberglass reinforced plastic fabrication and repair, abrasive blasting, woodworking, battery maintenance, paint spray booths, and aircraft corrosion control hangers。


2-1 GENERAL CRITERIA。 Installing engineering controls is the preferred method of controlling hazardous processes as specified in 29 CFR 1910。1000(e), Air Contaminants and OPNAVINST 5100。23, Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program Manual。 Properly designed industrial ventilation systems are the most common form of engineering controls。

2-2 COORDINATION。 Form a project design team to direct the design of industrial ventilation projects。  Include in the design team representatives from:

Effected industrial shop。

Public works。

Health and safety office。

Cognizant Regional Engineering Office (REO) (for example: Navy Engineering Field Division, Army Corps of Engineers Division, and Air Force major command engineering office)。 The REO representative establishes a design team and acts as the team leader in all cases, except when the cognizant REO grants a variance。

Industrial hygiene and safety offices。

NOTE U。S。 NAVY: BUMED or activity IH。 Use Naval Environmental Health Center as a back-up。

System command program manager (where applicable)。

System safety engineer。

Environmental manager。

2-3 DESIGN PROCEDURE。 Refer to the ACGIH IV Manual, Industrial Ventilation; A Manual of Recommended Practice, Chapter 5, "Exhaust System Design Procedure," for system design calculations。 Design all industrial ventilation systems in accordance with paragraphs 2-3。1 through 2-3。8。

2-3。1 Step 1。  Identify all significant contaminant sources that require ventilation control。 Request the local industrial hygiene office to provide a source characterization with area diagrams of the contaminant sources, and employee work areas。 Also,

consider how the system being designed might affect the performance of any existing processes, industrial ventilation systems or HVAC systems。

2-3。2 Step 2。  Consider how the facility is to be used or expanded in the future。 It may be possible to initially specify fans that are capable of handling future needs at minimal increased cost。

2-3。3 Step 3。  Select or design the exhaust hood that best suits the work piece or operation。 Design the exhaust hood to enclose the work piece or operation as much as possible。 This will reduce the ventilation rates required to provide contaminant control。 This UFC provides optimum exhaust hood designs for many of the operations covered。

2-3。4 Step 4。  Determine the capture velocity required to control generated contaminants。 Capture velocities in this UFC are specified assuming there are no cross drafts or turbulence that adversely affects the capture efficiency。 Reduce potential for cross drafts or turbulence near a given exhaust hood by properly locating and designing the hood with baffles, and also by designing the replacement air system to complement the exhaust system。

















