218。98 a / 213。83 b / 210。17 b c / 207。30 c / 210。43 b / 214。71 /

- - - - - - - - 186。93 a 184。67 a 172。20 c 181。27 a 180。30 b 178。23 b 174。33 c 177。62 b 179。44

Grand mean With / without turfgrass 221。95 a / 218。45 b / 203。72 c / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - 183。62 a 181。45 a 173。27 b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Notes: Values with common superscript are not significantly different at p<0。05, Duncan Multiple Range Test(DMRT)。

Mean height of turfgrass plants (218。98 cm) was significantly taller than for plants without turfgrass (210。43 cm)。 With turfgrass, greatest mean plant height of 230。07 cm was recorded at 15 day STI, not different from 226。73 cm at 30 day STI。 Plants at 45 day STI were significantly shorter (200。13 cm)。 Plants without turfgrass showed similar responses, where greatest mean height (213。83 cm) was recorded at 15 day STI, followed by mean height (210。17 cm) at 30 day STI (not significant)。 Plants at 45 day STI attained the second lowest height (207。30 cm), not different from plants at 30 day STI (Table 1)。   

Greatest mean height was recorded at 15 day STI in turfgrass areas。 Plant height at 15 day STI was similar to that at 30 day STI, but significantly higher than at 45 day STI in both areas。 Height differences for 30 and 45 day STI were significant in turfgrass areas。 Plants with turfgrass were significantly taller at 15 day and 30 day STI than plants without turfgrass。 

Crown diameter analysis 

Crown diameter of plants was significantly affected by species (F5,144=6720。58, p<0。001), planting models (F1,144=27。05, p<0。001), STI (F2,144=80。92, p<0。001) and interaction of planting models with STI (F2,144=17。01, p<0。001)。 Interactions of species with planting models (F5,144=1。92, p=0。094), species with STI (F10,144=132。00, p=0。227), and species, planting models with STI (F10,144= 0。824, p=0。606) did not affect crown diameter significantly。 

Plants in turfgrass had significantly greater mean crown diameter (181。27 cm) than those (177。62 cm) without turfgrass (p<1%), (Table 1)。 Mean crown diameter of 183。62 cm at 15 day STI was equivalent to 181。45 cm at 30 day STI, but significantly greater than 173。27 cm at 45 day STI。 Plants at 30 day STI also had significantly greater crown diameter than those at 45 day STI。 With turfgrass, greatest crown diameter of 186。93 cm was recorded at 15 day STI, followed by 30 day STI (184。67 cm) (not significant)。 Similar to height, crown diameter of turfgrass plants was also found to be smallest (172。20 cm) at 45 day STI。 Plants outside turfgrass areas showed maximum mean crown diameter (180。30 cm) at 15 day STI, followed by mean crown diameter of 178。23 cm at 30 day STI (not significant)。 Plants at 45 day STI attained the lowest crown diameter of 174。33 cm (p<0。05), (Table 1)。 Plants with turfgrass showed significantly better results at 15 day and 30 day STI than did those without turfgrass。 The differences in crown diameters for STI of 30 and 45 day were significant in both areas。 













