毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title On the traditional dispute resolution mechanism and its rational utilization of Yi national in Liangshan
Abstract Yi is an ancient nation with splendid culture in the long tiver of history。 In order to deal with all kinds of disputes, the Yi people have gradually found their own way。 After the long years, the old solution has gradually formed the legal culture tradition which has the distinct characteristic of the Yi people。 De gu and Su yi is a typical representative of the traditional dispute resolution mode。 After the founding of the people’s Republic of China in 1949, the central government has increased the attention of the Yi Nationality Area。 The region eventually became Liangshan Yi Autonomous Perfecture, That’s make The Yi people from the slave socialism to socialism。 But in the gradual deepening of the national public power to the Yi People's life 。 The law of the state and the traditional custom of the Yi nationality have a certain contradiction and conflict。 Therefore, in order to better realize the legal system construction of Liangshan Yi area。 How to deal with the relationship between traditional festival and national legal system is an urgent need to study and solve the problem。 So this article based on the traditional dispute settlement mechanism of the Yi people, Mining the conflict between the national law and the national law, And on the basis of the coordination of its rational use of, In order to realize the modernization of the rule of law in the region。
Keywords Traditional dispute resolution mechanism of Yi Nationality Degu present situation Rational use
目 次
1 引言 1来-自+优Y尔E论L文W网www.youerw.com 加QQ752018^766
2 凉山彝族传统纠纷解决机制概述 2
2。1 主要传统纠纷解决方式 2
2。2 “德古”的概念、内容、运作方式以及特点 3
3 凉山彝族传统纠纷解决机制的流变与现状 6
3。1 凉山彝族传统纠纷解决机制的变化 6
3。2 凉山彝族传统纠纷解决机制的现状 7
3。3 凉山彝族传统纠纷解决机制变化的原因以及仍能够存续的理由 8
4 凉山彝族传统纠纷解决机制与国家法的冲突