Abstract In the process of urban management in China, the standardization of the management of mobile vendors has been paid more and more attention。 At present, there are many legal problems in the management of mobile vendors in china。 In this paper, on the basis of practice, combined with the existing academic research results, on the subject of law enforcement and management objects are put forward: the establishment of a unified guidance and guidance throughout the preparation of government co management personnel selection methods, supervision and supervision mechanism in the refinement refinement approaches and methods, penalty clauses, illegal management vendors set up a mobile government vendors operating market, establish mobile vendors market access to the system, the standardized management of vendors business activities etc。。
毕业论文关键词:流动摊贩管理; 身份合法性; 准入制度; 源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 摊贩管理委员会
Keyword: Mobility management vendors; Legitimacy; Access system; Vendor management committee
目 录
引言 1
一、我国流动摊贩概述 1
(一)我国流动摊贩的定义 1
(二)我国流动摊贩的组成 2
(三)我国流动摊贩存在的原因 2
二、我国流动摊贩管理中出现的问题 3
(一)与城市管理者相关的问题 3
1。我国城市管理队伍建设存在问题 3
2。我国城市管理者执法时法律依据不足 4
3。城市管理中执法方式单一 4
4。城市管理过程中执法程序不规范 5
(二)与流动摊贩相关的问题 5
1。管理对象法律身份不明确影响管理 5
2。流动摊贩经营活动造成众多管理问题 6
三、我国流动摊贩法治化管理的建议 7
(一)完善摊贩管理队伍的准入制度 7
(二)细化法律法规明确执法者在管理中的权利义务 8
(三)完善执法监督机制增加监督执法反映途径 8
(四)改进执法思想进而解决管理中执法方式单一的问题 9
(五)法律法规应明确规定流动摊贩身份的合法性 9
(六)设立摊贩市场准入准出From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766 规则标准化管理摊贩经营活动 10
结语 11