摘要:随着我国工业化和城市化进程的加快,国家对非农用地的需求也越来越大,土地征收以及在土地征收过程中出现的问题也越来越频繁。近些年来,随着我国经济改革的深化,最早形成于计划经济时期的土地征收制度虽然也做了一系列的完善与调整,但仍存着着很多的问题与不足,比如征收目的的不合法、补偿机制不健全、对失地农村的保障体系不完善等等,这些都直接导致了农民的合法权益受到侵害,而且也形成了社会的不稳定因素。因此,正视我国土地征收制度弊端之所在,完善我国土地征收制度,规范政府之行为,这对我国土地征收制度的法制化建设以及有效保护农民权益、文护社会稳定有着积极的理论意义和现实指导意义。24070 毕业论文关键词:土地征收制度;存在的问题;对策
On Perfection of Land Expropriation
Abstract: With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization of China, the country's demand for non-agricultural land is also growing, as well as appearing in the land acquisition process of land acquisition problems are more frequent. Land expropriation system in recent years, with the deepening of China's economic reforms, first formed in the planned economy period, although also made a series of improvement and adjustment, but still a lot of problems and shortcomings, such as the purpose of unlawful expropriation compensation mechanism is not perfect, landless rural security system is imperfect, and so on, which are a direct result of farmers' legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon, but also the formation of social instability. Thus, in the face of the land expropriation system where the shortcomings, and improve our land expropriation system, standardize the behavior of the government, which legalized the construction of land expropriation system and the effective protection of farmers' interests, maintain the stability of society has a positive theoretical and practical significance .
Key words: land expropriation system;problems;countermeasure
摘要: 1
Abstract: 1
一、我国土地征收制度的概念和特征 2
(一)土地征收制度的涵义 2
(二)我国土地征收制度的特征 3
二、完善我国土地征收制度的重要意义 3
(一)有利于有效地保护失地农民的合法权益 4
(二)有利于我国公共利益更好效果的实现 4
(三)有利于提高土地利用率,保护农业用地 4
三、我国现行土地征收制度存在的问题和不足 5
(一)“公共利益”的概念与范围界定不明确 5
(二)补偿范围过窄,补偿标准过低 5
(三)土地征收程序缺乏规范性与透明性 5
(四)在土地征收过程中出现矛盾纠纷的解决机制不健全 6
四、完善我国土地征收制度的对策 6
(一)加快法律建设,制定《中华人民共和国共和国土地征收法》 6
(二)严格界定“公共利益”的范围和用途 6
(三)健全补偿机制,扩大补偿范围 7
(四)完善土地征收程序与监督制度 7
(五)健全对失地农民的社会保障制度 7
参考文献 8
致谢 9