本文从四个方面对非法证据排除规则进行研究,第一部分论述了非法证据排除规则的基本理论,解析当前学者对相关概念、内涵的不同见解,并尝试阐释自己的理解,第二部分主要考察了英美法系和大陆法系两大法系中代表性国家的非法证据排除规则,并思考对我国建立和完善非法证据排除的启示,第三部分具体介绍了我国立法和司法实践中关于非法证据排除规则的现状,以及目前存在的不足之处,第四部分则主要对我国进一步完善非法证据排除规则提出建议,分别从侦查机关、公诉机关、审判机关以及律师等角度进行探讨,通过这四部分的研究,对我国刑事非法证据排除规则有了进一步了解。33973 毕业论文关键词 非法证据 排除规则 立法 完善
Titte Research of exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence
Exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence plays a key role in protecting the fundamental rights of suspects and defendants. Many countries have established exclusionary rule to curb illegal conduct forensic investigators. With the promulgation of relevant judicial interpretations and amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law, China has initially established the exclusionary rule system. However, there are still many problems to be solved.
This article introduces the exclusionary rule from four aspects. The first part discusses the basic theory of illegal exclusionary rule, preventing the current academic views and trying to explain my own understanding. The second part introduces the exclusionary rule in several representative countries of common law system and civil law system, so that we can get inspiration from them. And the third part describes the status quo of the specific legislation and judicial practice on the exclusionary rule in China, as well as at the existing shortcomings .The fourth part is mainly about the advice for a sound exclusionary rule from the angles of investigating authorities, the prosecutor, as well as the judicial organ and lawyers. By studying these four parts, I have had further understanding of criminal exclusionary rule.
Keywords Illegal obtained evidence Exclusionary rule Legislation Suggestions for improvement
目 次
1 引言 1
2 非法证据排除规则基本理论 2
2.1 非法证据的界定 2
2.2 非法证据排除规则的要素构成 3
3 国外的非法证据排除规则 4
3.1 英美法系的非法证据排除规则 4
3.2 大陆法系的非法证据排除规则 5
3.3 国外非法证据排除规则的立法经验 6
4 我国非法证据排除规则的现状及问题 8
4.1 我国非法证据排除规则的现状 8
4.2 我国非法证据排除规则的问题 10
5 我国非法证据排除规则的完善建议 13
5.1 非法证据排除的立法完善建议 13
5.2 非法证据排除的司法完善建议 14
结 语 18