[毕业论文关键字]:儒家民本思想 服务型政府 建设 影响
The influence of Confucian people-oriented thoughts for the construction of a service-oriented government
Abstract: one of the objectives of governments is the pursuit of building a service-oriented government, and people-oriented service-oriented government is an ideal mode of government. Citizen or citizens in a decisive role in government administration will also take the people as this thought is embodied in a theoryof the present stage of our country. But the thought of the people as the core idea of Confucian political thought of Confucianism, as China has thousands of years of political thought, has the very good reference for government management today, has an indispensable role in the process of social development. Therefore,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the Confucian thought of the people on the construction of service type government.
Keywords: Confucian thought of the people; the service type; government; construction; influence
一、儒家民本思想的集中体现 1
1.商周时期的民本思想 1
2. 春秋战国儒家民本思想 2
3.汉唐时期的民本思想 2
4.宋元明清时期的儒家民本思想 3
二、儒家民本思想的现实价值分析 4
1.有利于尊重民意的价值观念的体现 4
2.有利于为官之德的官德素质的提升 5
3.有利于义与利施政原则的构建 5
三、儒家“民本”思想对构建服务型政府的启示 6
1.树立以人为本的发展观 6
2.树立执政为民的正确的政绩观 6
3.树立依法行政的法治观 7
4.树立一个从严治政的责任观 7
5.树立勤政廉洁的权力观 8
参考文献 9