摘 要:农村教育事业的发展事关全体国民素质的提高、经济的发展、社会的稳定以及国家的强盛。我国基本普及了九年义务教育,农村义务教育事业取得了显著的成就,为经济和社会发展培养了大量高素质的劳动者。但是农村义务教育还存在着一系列问题,导致这些问题的原因在于政府欠账严重、学校管理不当、教师专业素质有限、家长教育观念偏差、社会大环境的不良影响,解决这些问题的出路则是政府加大教育投入、学校强化管理、教师提高职业素质和思想境界、家长转变观念、社会形成重视教育的良好风气。关键词:农村义务教育;存在问题;解决对策8052
The Measures and the Implementation of the Construction of Ideological and Political Education——Taking Zhoukou Normal
Abstract:The development of rural education is the national quality, economic development, social stability and national prosperity. Our popular nine year compulsory education, rural compulsory education has made remarkable achievements, cultivate a large number of high-quality workers for the economic and social development. Rural compulsory education still exist the problems of less government funding, poor conditions of schooling, teachers are weak, the reason of these problems lies in the influence of government arrears serious, school management, teachers' professional quality, improper parents education idea deviation, limited social environment. The only way to solve these problems is the government to increase input in education, strengthen management, improve the school teachers occupation quality and ideological level, parents to change their ideas, forming good social atmosphere of the importance of education.
Key words: Rural compulsory education; Problems; Countermeasures
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、当今农村义务教育存在的问题 2
二、当今农村义务教育存在问题的原因 5
(一)政府欠账严重 5
(二)学校管理不当 5
(三)教师专业素质有限 5
(四)家长教育观念偏差 6
(五)社会大环境的不良影响 6
三、解决当今农村义务教育存在问题的对策及建议 7
(一)政府加大经费投入 7
(二)学校强化管理 7
(三)教师提高职业素质和思想境界 8
(四)家长转变观念,关爱孩子 8
(五)社会形成重视教育的良好风气 8
参考文献 9
致 谢 10
一、 当今农村义务教育存在的问题