摘 要:随着信息化社会的到来,网络已经融入到我们生活中的每一个角落,同时也走进了青少年的生活。网络对青少年产生了积极的影响,同时也给青少年带来一系列负面影响。青少年沉迷网络的原因在于:网络具有诱惑性、青少年生理心理发育不成型、家庭管理不当、学校过于强调考分以及网吧经营者唯利是图。引导青少年健康上网的对策则是:家庭要从思想观念上加强正确引导,学校要充分发挥教育活动的作用,政府则应加强政策和法律法规宣传。关键词:网络;青少年;影响;原因;对策8468
the Influence of Network is Analysed for Teenagers
Abstract:with the coming of information society, network has been integrated into every corner of our life, but also into the teenager's life. Network had a positive influence on teenagers, and at the same time it brings a series of negative influence to teenagers. Teenagers Internet addiction of the reason: the network has intimate, physiological and psychological development of teenagers don't forming, improper family management, the school too much emphasis on test scores as well as the Internet bar operators mercenany. Guide the adolescent health countermeasures are: online home to strengthen the correct guidance from the ideological concept, the school should give full play to the role of the education activities, the government should strengthen the propaganda policies, laws and regulations.
Key words: Network; Teenagers; Influence; Reasons; Countermeasures
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