摘 要:现代社会是一个治理的社会,政府的管制已很难适应现代化社会发展的需求。在建设社会zhuyi和谐社会、全面实现小康社会进而实现中国梦这一路上,冲破治理困境,提升政府治理能力势在必行,而地方政府作为政治生活重要的参与者,其治理能力的提升更是首当其冲。现阶段,我国政府治理能力的现代化已经取得了重大进展,但是要实现一个现代化的地方政府,仍然面临着很多问题。因而,伴随着政治经济体制改革的不断深化与治理理论的不断完善,地方政府的治理能力必须得到提高。71373
The Analysis of the Problem and the Countermeasure of our Local Governance Capacity
Liang Dongdong
(School of Law Politics and Public Administration, Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an Jiangsu, 223300)
Abstract: Modern society is a society of governance, government regulation has been difficult to adapt to the needs of modern social development. In the process of building a socialist harmonious society, and realizing a comprehensive well-off society as well as the Chinese Dream, we should break through the plight of governance, improve governance capability right now, and the local government as an important participant in the political life ,improving its governance capability is first thing. Modernization of governance capacity has made significant progress now, but to achieve a modern local government, it faces many problems too. Thus, with the development of deepening political and economic reform as well as the evolution of the governance theory, the local government should ipmrove its ability to exert control.
Key Words: governance; the role of government; public goods
目 录
改革开放以来,我国一直都处在深刻的变革之中,我国政府必须紧跟时代潮流,逐渐脱离过去计划经济的体制,并逐步融入到社会zhuyi市场经济体制中。“以分权让利为核心的中央地方关系的演变,使地方政府和地方官员获得了前所未有的自主权力和行动空间” ,这种分权让利虽然也为中国的发展创造了一定的财富,但是同时也带来了很多令人扼腕的不足。就当代中国地方政府来看,治理的主要不是看政府有多少权力,而是注重治理的有效性。那么现阶段,地方政府的治理能力主要还存在以下五种不足。