摘 要: 新行政诉讼法的实施解决了“立案难”问题,但同时也暴露出新行政诉讼受案范围存在的缺点与不足。本文将比照研究新旧行政诉讼受案范围的法律条文,肯定新法增加可诉行政行为的范围,附带审查规范性文件等修改的创新之处。同时指出受案范围列举方式存在缺陷,排除事项未作修改等不足之处。在了解受案范围的优点与缺点后,笔者希望通过重构行政诉讼的立法模式,把内部行政行为纳入受案范围,具体划分可诉行政行为的类型,完善行政公益诉讼机制等方法来弥补行政诉讼受案范围呈现的不足,为将来行政诉讼受案范围的完善提供一些建议。74759
Analysing problems and perfection of new scope of administrative litigation in our country
Abstract:The implementation of new administrative procedure law can solve the difficulty of registering, but also exposed the disadvantages of new scope of administrative litigation。 Through comparing the new Article of scope of administrative litigation with the old one, the article will agree with the innovation of the Article, such as increasing the positive list of actionable administrative action and attached reviewing the normative documents。 At the same time, it pointed out some disadvantages that enumeration mode of scope of accepting cases is defective and the exclusions are unchanged。 After knowing the advantages and disadvantages of scope of administrative litigation, the writer will offer some suggestions for future improvement of the scope of administrative litigation。 For example, reconstructing the Legislative Mode of Administrative Litigation; bring the internal administrative behavior into the scope of accepting cases; concretely piding the type of actionable administrative acts; perfecting the Administrative Public Interest Litigation System; etc。
Keywords:New Administrative Procedure Law , Scope of Accepting Cases , Administrative Act
目 录
一、引言 1
二、 我国行政诉讼案件受案的现状 1
三、 我国新旧行政诉讼法中的受案范围对比 2
(一)法条对比 2
(二)行政诉讼受案范围扩大的亮点 3
四、 我国行政诉讼受案范围存在的不足之处 3
(一)行政诉讼受案范围列举方式存在缺陷 4
(二)受案范围排除事项未作任何修改 4
(三)“人身权和财产权等合法权益”存在局限性 4
(四)“行政行为”替代“具体行政行为”后程序适用困难 5
(五)行政行为损害公共利益救济制度不完善 5
五、 完善行政诉讼受案范围的法律思考 5
(一)重构行政诉讼的立法模式 6
(二)完善行政行为的合理性审查 6
(三)有选择性地将内部行政行为纳入受案范围 7
(四)具体划分可诉行政行为的类型 7
(五)完善检察机关提起行政公益诉讼制度 8