    摘要:随着十八届三中全会的召开,我国已经进入全面深化改革的深水区,攻坚期,对于社会主义文化建设方面也迫在眉睫,刻不容缓。紧紧围绕建设社会主义核心价值体系、社会主义文化强国深化文化体制改革,加快完善文化管理体制和文化生产经营机制,建立健全现代公共文化服务体系、现代文化市场体系,推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣这一大趋势正在中华大地上如火如荼地进行着。历史悠久的HS市也赶着时代的潮流,对于一些有文化代表性的年代已久的建筑进行翻修或者重建。 将要改造新建的“HS市文化商城”就是如此,它原名HS剧场,现有职工50名,该剧场始建于1955年,坐落在HS大道繁华地段,原是以电影放映为主,兼有文化演出功能的综合性娱乐场所,曾经为丰富、活跃该市市民精神文化生活发挥过重大作用。本次设计就是在这样一个大背景下展开,主要设计为约百米以内的高层建筑设计,并且要包括商业、娱乐、剧院、酒店,住宅等功能。23997
     Architectural design specification of  architectural culture mall building integrated in HS City
    Abstract:With the convening of the eighteen plenary meeting, our country has entered a comprehensive reform of the deepwater area, period, for the construction of socialist culture is imminent, brook no delay. Focused on the socialist cultural power construction of socialist core value system, deepen the reform of the cultural system, accelerate the improvement of the cultural management system and the cultural production and management mechanism, establishing and perfecting the modern system of public cultural services, a modern cultural market system, promote socialist cultural greater development and prosperity of this trend is the land of China like a raging fire. The historic HS also rushed to the trend of the times, for some cultural representative of the old building renovation or reconstruction. Will be the transformation of the new "HS City Cultural Centre" is so, it was originally called HS theatre, existing worker 50, the theatre was founded in 1955, is located in HS Avenue downtown lots, the original is in the film, with cultural performance comprehensive entertainment, once rich, active cultural life of the people the city played a major role in. This design is carried out in such a background, the design of high-rise buildings within the meter is mainly design, and to include business, entertainment, theatre, hotel, residential and other functions.
    KeyWords:Cultural Centre; complex; the design of high-rise buildings;
    目  录
    1  项目概况 1
      1.1  工程概况 1
      1.2  基地研究以及设计核心 1
    2  设计理念2
    3  方案设计2
      3.1  总体布局 2
      3.2  建筑单体  2
      3.2.1  任务书的功能要求  2
      3.2.2  本项目的基本功能指标 2
      3.2.3  任务书的设计要求3
      3.2.4  本项目立面造型风格3
      3.3    设计策略 3
    3.3.1  景观设计     4
    3.3.2  交通流线   4
      3.3.3  材料细部 5
    4  小结5
    1  项目概况
    1.1  工程概况
        项目位于HS市黄石大道边,基地东边有津津商场,西边有一小游园以及一些居民区,项目原为HS剧场,该剧场现有土地(含家属区,见地形图)约3076 M2,计划新建的文化商城占地约2261 M2,计划建筑面积24000 M2(±5﹪),新建的文化商城设置十大服务功能,其中包括:(1) 文化购物中心:集字画、书刊、音像制品、电子出版物、摄影、雕刻、工艺、文物等于一炉的文化经营交易中心,是文化产品买卖的大世界。拟设60~80个摊位,建议1~2层设出租铺面(具体设计由设计者根据情况确定,此建议只做参考,但须符合相关设计规范)。
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