
    The main content of the design include:total building layout and graphic design fire.①building safe evacuation design calculations.②Extinguisher calculation and description.③ indoor and outdoor fire hydrant system to calculate and explain.④sprinkler system to calculate and explain.⑤building smoke control design, calculation and description. ⑥automatic fire alarm system design and description.
    The design object class D plant,fire resistance rating of three.Design objects and the surrounding high-rise factories distance 10m,both sides set straight fire road.
    Building plan according to the structure and use of fire-resistant design and the corresponding specification of the building, will be pided into one building each fire district.
    Safe evacuation route for the room before the room hallway stairwell.Each fire district is located in two evacuation ports,aisle width of 2.2m,two emergency exit distances greater than 5m,safe evacuation distance of 12.7m.
    Hazard level design objects for light risk level,the main types of fire A fire,the presence of E class fire simultaneously.Design configuration ammonium phosphate dry powder portable fire extinguishers(MF/ABC8) and ammonium phosphate dry powder portable fire extinguishers (MF/ABC8),maximum protection distance of 25m. Then layer each configuration point configuration a MF/ABC8 extinguishers (ie 8kg ammonium phosphate portable fire extinguishers),two three-point each configuration of the configuration a MF/ABC8 extinguishers (ie 8kg ammonium phosphate portable fire extinguishers) and an MF/ABC8 extinguishers (ie 8kg ammonium phosphate portable fire extinguishers).
    Design calculations Fire Hydrant system includes outdoor and indoor fire hydrant system two parts. Outdoor fire hydrant water for the 20L/s,set three outdoor low-voltage ground Hydrant.Fire hydrant water for the 10L/s,hydrant protection radius 28.1m,arrangement pitch 26.9m,buildings were set four risers.Total head loss 0.095MPa,fire pond lowest level relative elevation-7.050m,the most unfavorable hydrant relative elevation 16.1m,the elevation difference between the most negative point Z hydrant and fire pond lowest water level is 15.6mH2O= 0.156MPa.The most negative point of fire fighting equipment at the working pressure P0 is 0.2054MPa.Fire pump head 46m, flow 15.92L/s,choose XBD5.5/20-100 type fire pump,one Taiwan,the fire pump head 0.55MPa,flow 20L/s,speed 2900r/min,power 22KW, use one with a prepared,fire pump adapter Taiwan. Designed to set up a fire-fighting,the effective volume of 119m3.
    Automatic sprinkler systems use wet automatic sprinkler system.Accordance with the norms,which are light to determine the danger level.Use square nozzle arrangement designed to determine the position and shape after the most unfavorable point action area is calculated at a point within the area of the most unfavorable effect of several nozzles 12,the role of area 192m2,the most unfavorable point nozzle of the flow 64L/(min•m2).Pipeline total loss 0.51708MPa,the elevation difference between the most negative point of the nozzle and the lowest level of fire water 0.156MPa,the most unfavorable point nozzle working pressure 0.064MPa,spray pump head 36m,flow 12.59L/s,choose XBD5.5/20-100 type fire pump,one Taiwan,the fire pump head 0.55MPa,flow 20L/s,speed 2900r/min, power 22KW,use one with a prepared,to meet the demand.
    Production workshop works on smoke control design,this building uses natural ventilation facilities should be smoke.
    Automatic fire alarm system design using the control center alarm system,and set the fire control room.Design choice smoke detectors,each layer is pided into two detection unit,the detector protection area A=80m2,protection radius R=6.7m.Number detector arrangement,the layers are 35.
    Keyword: production workshop;fire design;fire hydrant system;automatic sprinkler system
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    1.2 国内外研究现状    3
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