    摘要:当今社会中,交通运输越来越发达,在我国,高速公路的蓬勃发展使得公路运输已经成为运输的主要力量。然而,受地理位置的限制,许多高速公路不得不修筑在软土地基上。由于工程地基下经常存在深厚的软土层,这极大地影响了工程的长期稳定和使用安全,所以在软土地带修筑公路经常需要对大面积软土地基进行加固处理,使得这些地区的建设难度加大。因此,大面积软土地基处理方法及施工技术的研究对软土地基的沉降变形以及工后沉降预测方面是急需的。本文结合杭州某高速公路软土地基处理的实体工程,主要对采用塑料排水板处理软土地基应力与变形和工后沉降进行了研究 。根据理论与实践相结合的方法对塑料排水板预压处理地基的固结沉降规律进行研究和分析,并分析总结了软土的工程特性和软土地基处理的各种方法的加固机理、适用范围和效果评估。并利用有限元、AutCAD软件模拟塑料排水板软土地基的沉降变形,然后与经过计算的软土沉降值进行比较,最后预测工后沉降。结合具体的工程实践,能够为该地区的软土地基沉降变化规律研究和软基处理及路堤施工提供一定的参考,具有积极的意义。 35151
    毕业论文关键词: 软土;地基处理;塑料排水板;有限元;沉降计算
    Plastic drainage board method to reinforce soft soil foundation and PTS curve system design
    Abstract:In modern society,the transportation is more and more developed. In China, with railways, highways, especially the booming highway, road transport has become a major force
    orce in transportation. However, restricted geographically, many highways have built on soft ground. Because of recurrent deep soft soil under the foundation, which greatly affects the long-term stability and safety of engineering, so in various projects in the soft soil,it’s often needed to deal with a large area of soft soil reinforcement, so that the construction of these areas is difficult. Therefore, the study of large-scale soft ground treatment methods and construction technology of soft ground and the subsidence and deformation aspects of post-construction settlement prediction is needed. In this paper,combined with a Hangzhou Expressway soft soil processed of entity work ,soft foundation mainly processed with Plastic Drainage Board of stress、deformation and settlement prediction of post-construction workers were studied. According to the method combining the theory and practice,the consolidation settlement law of soft foundation processd with plastic drainage board of preloading is researched and analyzed.At the same time, analyze and summarize soft soil engineering properties and the reinforcement mechanism、range of application and impact assessmen ofvarious methods of soft soil treatment. Combined with the specific engineering samples, it can provide to a certain extent reference for the research of the law of this area’s soft foundation’s settlement change、the process of soft foundation and embankment construction ,which has a positive meaning.
    KeyWords: soft soil;foundation process;plastic drainage board;finite element;settlement calculation
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 本课题的提出    1
    1.2 课题的研究意义    1
    1.3 国内外研究现状    1
    1.3.1 国内外软基处理的发展及研究现状    2
    1.3.2 国内外软土地基沉降计算及预测研究现状    2
    1.4 本文研究的主要内容    3
    1.5 本章小结    3
    2 软土的工程特性    4
    2.1 软土的定义    4
    2.2 软土的工程特性    5
    2.2.1 软土的流变性    5
    2.2.2 软土的压缩性    5
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