

    毕业论文关 键 词:建筑工程,地基与基础,施工技术

    Abstract: The foundation is beneath the foundation deformation under load building can not be ignored that part of the formation, the foundation refers to the load transfer to the lower part of the building or structure foundation member. Construction and construction, foundation construction has a pivotal position, foundation construction quality will directly affect the level of construction of the foundation, so the construction quality issues related to the overall quality of the project will be good or bad. With the current technology development projects, infrastructure construction projects in construction technology foundation has been steadily progressing to meet increasingly complex requirements of building and construction environment. Implement key aspects of the application of the technology is good, it is necessary to deal with the new method from the classification processing technology foundation, technology, foundation current construction and other aspects, exploration and innovation. Foundation treatment method is a worldwide problem construction field, is also the main direction of research; foundation construction technology innovation and progress is with the changes in the form of construction becomes imminent.

    Keywords: architectural engineering,foundation and foundation,construction technology

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    1.1 地基基础施工的概念 4

    1.2 基础的分类 4

    1.3 天然地基与软弱地基 4

    2  地基处理方法分类 5

    3  桩基础及其分类 6

    4  地基基础施工的重要性及存在的问题 7

    4.1 地基基础施工的重要性 7

    4.2 当前我国工程建设地基基础施工中存在的问题 8

    5  地基与基础施工技术的发展 8

    5.1 桩基础施工技术 8

    5.2 深基坑施工技术 9

    6  设计选题说明 9

    6.1 选题原因说明 9

    6.2 设计项目概况 9

    6.3 数据资料的获得 10

    6.4 设计的难度 10

    6.5 设计实现的可能性 10

    7  设计依据 10

    7.1 理论与方法 10

    7.2 规范与标准 10

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