
    description of design:

    High-rise building is the main choice of building now, its greatly ease the contradiction between land and population, the usage of the water supply and drainage effect of buildings and security, my graduation design topic selection is a complex building water supply and drainage engineering design, construction height is 58.2 m, eighteen layer, a layer for the hall, 2 ~ 17th floor apartment for commercial housing, the eighteenth layer for roof equipment.Municipal pipe network for water all the year round head is 0.14 MPa, the main design content for building water supply system, building drainage system and construction of fire protection system.

    (1) the relevant design information

    1. The water supply conditions, design buildings in urban water supply pipe network for water, outdoor water supply pipe has the two pipeline parallel feed water respectively from 17 m building wall, pipe diameter is 100 mm, buried depth of 1.5 m, tubing for cast iron pipe.Most of the average temperature is 8 ℃, city pipeline network does not allow direct pumping.

    2. The drainage condition.Indoor living sewage to be treated by septic tank rear can into the city sewers, pipes for concrete pipe and buried depth of 2.8 m.

    3. The sanitation facilities.Public set independent toilet rooms on each floor, with the squat toilet, wash basin, urinal, etc., each guest room with bathroom, with a shower, wash basin and seated toilets.

    4. Other conditions.Air-conditioning chiller 2 water supplement water chillers, cooling water, respectively is 320 m3 / h, 475 m3 / h, 24 hours running, supplement water calculated at 4% of the circulating water.Unforeseen water volume is calculated at 14% of the daily water.

    (2) the choice of system

    1. The water supply system: according to the design according to the municipal pipe network for water all the year round head is 0.14 MPa, municipal pipe network pressure available to the 3rd floor, but on the third floor will appear the phenomenon of insufficient water pressure, so the 1-2 floor for low area using municipal pipe network water directly, other area secondary compression, using variable frequency pump water supply, and pided into low area 3-10th floor, high area 11 to 17 floor.Water supply pipe is upside down to type, flat main usually decorate condole top or provided under the ceiling.

    2. The drainage system: the building drainage design adopts confluence drainage: namely sewage and waste water discharged into the same pipeline, concentrated into the septic tank after processing into the municipal sewage pipe network, due to drainage in high-rise buildings, such as vertical length, large water volume, high velocity fluctuations tend to cause the air pressure inside the pipeline greatly, thus to form water sanitary ware from water or water seal was damaged, so that the stench of sewage into indoor, resulting in environmental pollution therefore building drainage system by dedicated ventilation tube.

    3. The rainwater system independent from the sewage system, using separate storm sewer into the municipal drainage.The roof rainwater drainage system design using drainage system: the first is to use pipes to the introduction of the roof rainwater inside buildings, through outdoor pipelines will rain again.(usually can be pided into the closed drainage system and open system: indoor pipeline without opening part of the closed system, the pressure in the pipeline flow state, the drainage capacity is larger, but the cost of tubing, piping must be closely; open system of vertical tube into the open channel or buried pipe, tube drainage can be used for waste water discharged into other cleaner. High-rise building should be enclosed within the drainage system, generally do not adopt open system).

    4. The fire control system: high-rise buildings because of the architectural layers, high altitude, etc, in case of fire spread and saves a crisis is very different compared with multi-layer architecture, such as the fire fast development and the spread of fire way, personnel evacuation difficulty, saves more difficult, and so on, so the top must be based on the design of indoor fire control facilities.The fire hydrant system and automatic water spray system.

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