










    Abstract The residential buildings of 10 layers of small high-rise residential, elevator machine room located at the top, the 1 layer is the garage, 2 ~ 10 layer for households, a staircase four households, and symmetrical layout, the layout of the lateral force advantage. The concrete frame structure, each room interior plane layout basically according to the "big living room, a small bedroom" requirements determined, reasonable zoning in function and structure.

    The object of design is ten-story frame structure. Choose one load of the frameworks to calculate. 

         The calculation of framework structure including: The initial assurance for the size of the beam, the plate and the column; The calculation of the standard values of gravity load ; The sway stiffness calculation of the horizontal framework ; the internal forces calculation and the checking of sway under the horizontal earthquake forces ;the checking of sway under the horizontal load of wind.

         The internal forces composition of horizontal framework maily including: the calculation under the live load and the constant load . 

         The internal forces composition mainly is the composition of horizontal earthquake forces, constant load and live load. 

         The section design including: the design of the beam , column .the design of beam including:the checking of positive section and oblique section. 

         The design of column including: the checking of axial compression ratio and the positive section and the oblique section,the design of node. 

         When design the plate considers it’s two-way plate. 

         Basis design including: the calculation of carrying capacity, punching and reinforcement. 

         The design of staircase including: the design of bench,the beam of platform,the plate of platform and calculation of reinforcement of staircase. 

         Key words: Framework structure; Basis; Beam; Column Plate; Staircase

    目  录


    第一章   工程概况和建筑设计 1

    1.1工程概况 1

    1.1.1工程简介 1

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