
    摘要在实际工程中,钢筋混凝土框架结构是一种较为普遍结构形式,广泛应用于住宅、办公、学校等公共建筑。本设计五层框架结构,首层层高3.9m,其他层层高为3.6m。总高度为19.35m。建筑总面积为4600m2。为抗震等级三级,7度设防,建筑场地为二类。利用Auto CAD及天正建筑对教学楼进行了平面、立面、剖面即整体布局的建筑设计。52577




    In practical engineering, the reinforced concrete frame structure has been a  common structural form owing to their successful applications in many areas such as residence, office, schools and other public buildings. The store is 3.9m . The total height of 19.35m .The total building area of this project is 4600m2.For three level of earthquake framework, 7 degrees fortifications, near site classification as Class two venues.This design including the architecture design and structure design, using Auto CAD and it is building, on the teaching building for the plane, elevation, section whereby the overall layout design.

    This thesis is aimed at the design for transverse frame of teaching buildings with multistory frame. First, dead loads, live loads, wind load and seismic load of the structure are computed referring to “Load Standards ”. Then the standard values of each members of structure under horizontal load and vertical load can be obtained by using stratification method and “D” method respectively. Next, the internal forces under various load are combined according to the most unfavorable combination mode. Finally, the most unfavorable one or several ones in the above combinations to realize section design for members is found. In this way, the safest results to reinforce is chosen and Working Drawing is Painted. the basement, the floor and the stairs are also designed and structural working drawing are painted in this thesis. Moreover, the structure computerization is shown via employing PKPM.

    Keywords:earthquake; frame structure;load;section design;“D ”method

    目  录

    第一章 建筑设计概况1


    1.1.1 设计理念1

    1.1.2 设计依据1

    1.2 设计概况1

    1.2.1 平面设计1

    1.2.2 立面设计2

    1.2.3 建筑剖面设计3

    1.2.4 其它部分详细做法和说明3

    第二章 结构设计5


    2.1.1 柱网布置-5

    2.1.2 主要构件截面尺寸-5

    2.1.3 框架结构计算简图-6

    2.2 重力荷载计算-7

    2.2.1 主要材料及构件自重-7

    2.2.2 屋面及楼面永久荷载标准值-7

    2.2.3 内外墙荷载标准值-8

    2.2.4 屋面及楼面均布可变荷载标准值-9

    2.2.5 各层重力荷载代表值计算-9

    2.3 框架横向抗侧刚度计算-12

    2.3.1 梁柱的线刚度计算-12

    2.3.2 横向框架柱的抗侧刚度计算-12

      2.4 横向水平地震作用下框架结构的位移和内力计算-14

     2.4.1 横向框架自震周期的计算14

     2.4.2 横向水平地震作用及楼层地震剪力计算15

     2.4.3 多遇地震作用下的弹性层间位移验算16

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