


    毕业论文关键词:框架; 建筑设计; 结构设计; 内力组合及分析


    In practical engineering, concrete frame structure is a more conventional structure, widely used in residential, office schools and other public buildings.In this design, in accordance with the building design specifications and other related specifications, the design requirements of the mission statement and earthquakes, geological conditions, practice observation, the design of the frame structure Commercial Office Building. First be by architectural design, structural design further. First overall layout design after local node calculation design. Architectural design elements: first, according to the function and structure of partition selection for the preliminary design of commercial office building, complete plans, elevations, sections, architectural building design General descriptions. Structural Design content: Structural selection and arrangement of the main loadbearing structure of load calculation, horizontal seismic action, constant load, live load bending moment, shear, axial force calculation, force composition and analysis, AM, beam and column calculation and reinforcement, stairs and floorbased design, complete construction drawing.

    This design combines the past four years I have learned in college, so I know the frame structure design process, the design also makes me a better understanding of the architectural specifications and software, for me to lay the foundation for future work.

    Keywords: Frame, structure ,Building Design, Structural Design ,Combination and analysis of internal forces

    目  录

    第一章 建筑设计1

    1.1 设计要求1

    1.2 调研1

    1.3 平面布置2

      1.4 立面布置2

      1.5 剖面布置2

      1.6 耐火等级,防火疏散和采光通风2

    第二章 结构设计3

    2.1 设计概况3

    2.2 柱网布置图3

    2.3 梁柱截面尺寸4

     2.3.1 框架梁截面尺寸初估4

     2.3.2 柱截面尺寸初估 4

     2.3.3 校核5

      2.3.4 楼板设计5

    2.4 荷载设计6

    2.4.1 恒荷载6

    2.4.2 活荷载9

    2.4.3 荷载计算9

    2.4.4 梁柱线刚度计算11

    2.4.5 抗侧刚度计算12

    2.4.6 水平地震作用下框架结构位移和内力计算12

    2.4.7 竖向荷载计算18

      2.5 横向框架内力组合33

    2.6 框架梁配筋计算40

     2.6.1 承载力抗震调整系数40

     2.6.2 框架横梁配筋41

    2.7 柱配筋计算47

    2.7.1 柱正截面计算47

    2.7.2 斜截面承载能力计算55

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