
    摘 要:本施工组织设计是针对淮安七星水岸小区一期工程7#楼的水泥粉煤灰碎石桩进行编制的,该施工组织设计作为规划和指导CFG桩的施工准备到施工验收整个过程的综合性技术文件。在编制时,对工程质量目标、工期目标、项目管理机构设置、施工进度计划、施工机械、周转材料及设备、主要施工方法、劳务组织、安全文明施工等诸多因素做了充分考虑;并以国家有关技术政策、设计图纸、招标文件、施工现场相关资料为依据;严格按照施工组织设计的编制原则,从施工全局出发,结合工程的实际情况,利用科学的组织管理方法,合理的组织安排各项资源,以期达到消耗少、工期短、质量高,造价低的最优效果。53961


    Abstract: The construction design is for Huai'an Seven waterfront district a project 7 # F fly ash cement gravel pile be prepared. The construction design as construction planning and guidance to the construction of CFG pile of ready acceptance comprehensive technical documentation of the whole process. In preparing for the project quality objectives, duration target, project management structure, construction schedule,construction machinery, working materials and equipment, mainly construction methods, labor organizations, construction safety culture and many other factors made full consideration. And national technology policy, design drawings, tender documents, the relevant information is based on the construction site. Prepared in accordance with the principle of strict construction design, from the overall construction, combined with the actual situation of the project, the use of scientific methods of organization and management, rational organization of resources to achieve less consumption, short duration, high quality, low cost most excellent results.

    Keywords:construction organization,organization and management,cement fly-ash gravel pile

    目   录

    1  设计选题说明 5

    1.1  选题依据 5

    1.2  设计项目概况 5

    1.3  设计的目的和要求 5

    1.4  数据的获得 5

    1.5  设计的难度 5

    1.6  设计重点和难点 6

    1.7  设计实现的可能性 6

    2  设计依据 6

    2.1  编制依据 6

    2.2  编制原则 7

    2.3  参考文献选用 7

    3  技术设计路线 7

    3.1  建筑施工流向 7

    3.2  划分施工段 8

    3.3  确定施工顺序 8

    3.4  分部分项工程施工方法 9

    4  设计的价值 11

    4.1  对专业学习的作用 11

    4.2  对社会工作的作用 11

    结论 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15

    1  设计选题说明

    1.1  选题依据


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