    摘要: 本文着重关注研究节点刚度对屈曲约束支撑-混凝土框架结构抗震性能的影响分析。首先,简要介绍了PKPM软件建立有限元模型及SATWE相关参数设置及其分析的步骤。其次,以1952年Whitemore提出的扩散角概念为基础,采取近似等效梯形作用区的求解方法,通过理论推导的方式推导出了节点的组件刚度公式。将所得公式用于临潼路结构,华鸿厂房和港翔印务厂房三个工程实例的计算,得出组件刚度与屈曲约束支撑自身轴向刚度基本相等。再次,根据工程概况和考虑节点刚度之后换算得到的箱形截面尺寸信息,分别建立临潼路结构和港翔印务厂房两个工程实例对应的考虑节点刚度前后的两个 PKPM模型,进行SATWE 相应参数的设置及分析。最后,整理 SATWE 分析主要的计算结果形成对比表,观察节点刚度对这两个实际屈曲约束支撑-混凝土框架结构抗震性能的影响,得出相应结论。 57140
    毕业论文关键字:节点刚度;屈曲约束支撑;PKPM;SATWE 分析;抗震性能 
    The impact analysis of buckling restrained braces-concrete framework structures on seismic performances with considering joint stiffness Abstract: This paper focuses attention on the study  that changes in seismic performance  of buckling restrained braces-concrete frame  structure when considering  joint stiffness.First,it briefly introduced the procession of PKPM software to establish the finite element model and SATWE relevant parameter settings and analysis steps. Second, componentstiffness formula of stiffness  is deduced by means of theoretical derivation, which is based on the concept of Diffusion Angle proposed by Whitemore in 1952 and equivalent trapezoidal approximation function area method adopted.  Applying  the formula  to  the following three practical engineering cases: LintongluStructure, Huahong Plant and Gangxiangyinwu Plant,itcomes to a conclusion that   components axial stiffness little change, compared with the axial stiffness of  buckling restrained braces itself. Thirdly,  according to box-section dimensions of information before and after the project was considered in terms of joint stiffness  ,establishing respectivelytwo PKPMmodels  of the two  engineering examples: Lintonglu Structure and Gangxiangyinwu Plant, setting up the corresponding SATWE parameters and analyzed. Finally,putting main  calculation results of SATWE analysis  together to form comparison tables. Observing changes in seismic performance of both actual buckling restrained braces - concrete framestructure, before and after considering jointstiffness, obtains corresponding conclusions.
    Keywords:  Joint  Stiffness; Buckling-Restrained  Brace; PKPM;SATWE  Analysis;Seismic Performances 


    1 绪论  .... 1 

    1.1 引言 .... 1 

    1.2 屈曲约束支撑-混凝土框架结构简介  . 2 

    1.3 屈曲约束支撑  .. 2 

    1.3.1 屈曲约束支撑的基本构成  .... 3 

    1.3.2 屈曲约束支撑与混凝土框架结构的连接形式  .... 4 

    1.3.3 屈曲约束支撑的工作机理  .... 5 

    1.4 国内外研究成果及本文研究内容  .. 7 

    1.4.1 国内外研究成果  . 7 

    1.4.2 本文研究内容  9 

    2. PKPM软件屈曲约束支撑框架设计过程   11 

    2.1 定义屈曲约束支撑 . 11 

    2.2 布置屈曲约束支撑 . 13 

    2.3 SATWE 分析 . 15 

    2.4 屈曲约束支撑构件的验算  ... 17 

    3. 承载力关系及节点刚度公式的推导  . 18 

    3.1 屈曲约束支撑的设计 ..  18 

    3.2 屈曲约束支撑的承载能力 ...  18 

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