
    4.2 管材的选用
        管材的选择是经济技术的比较过程,技术上应从压力、温度、使用环境、安装方法等方面进行考虑,同时结合业主的要求和住宅的档次,进行经济技术综合考虑后确定。传统的给水管材一般采用镀锌钢管,由于镀锌钢管易锈蚀,使用寿命短,用于输送生活用水不能满足水质卫生标准等 缺点,建设部正大力推广塑料给水管的应用。
    (1) 给水管:室内生活给水管道水表后采用PP-R管道,热熔连接。冷水管压力等级1.6MPa,热水管压力等级2.0MPa。水表前管道采用钢塑复合管。
    4.3 管道敷设
    Design General Information
    1. Source of design tasks
    The design of the HeRun Homeland NO.six building, subject to the drainage and firefighting system design of residential buildings, the design process was subject under the owners of the design plan and related information, the conditions for building professionals to provide maps, according to current design specifications and the relevant provisions for building water design. Purpose of this project through the drainage design to enhance the students knowledge of building water engineering understanding and memory; master sanitary appliances, plumbing, equipment selection and layout; master to the drainage network of hydraulic calculation; enhanced graphics capabilities; culture students to analyze and solve problems in practical engineering application capabilities.
    2. Project Overview
    This works for the HeRun Homeland NO.six building, 12-story residential high-rise residential buildings, including the basement floor for the bicycles. Design include: water supply systems, hydrant systems, water supply and water drainage system using city tap water, municipal water supply pressure is 0.16MPa.
    3. Design Principles
    Design standards in line with the premise, to improve housing design standards, for each household to create a comfortable living space, is the duty of each designer. The heart as a dwelling - kitchen, bathroom, is a complicated function, health, safety and comfort for high and create a complex, technically demanding space. Therefore, designers must be to the overall design concepts and methods, considering the kitchen and bathroom to the sewer and equipment installation.
    The design requirements in accordance with the design plan, in strict accordance with the current technical specifications issued by the State, the design rules. Mainly standards, specifications are:
     [1] Building Water Drawing Standards GB/T50106-2000
    [2] building water supply and drainage design (GB50015-2003)
    [3] Residential Design Standards (GB50045-95)
     [4] The architectural design code for fire protection (GB50016-2006) .2006
    [5] configuration design of building fire extinguisher (GB50140-2005) .2005
    4. Technical Data
    4.1 The system design description
    4.1.1 Water Supply System
    The residential use of the pool - water pump - tank water supply system, water supply, under way for up to type. 6 to 12 layers directly from the tank water, 1 to 5 layers of water through the decompression valve. Set in the basement pump house, pumping station to pump life within the set of two (one with a device), pump set 12M3 stainless steel water tank inside a water pump suction from the tank water to the rooftop water tank.
  1. 上一篇:上海办公楼空调系统设计+水管图+风管图
  2. 下一篇:20万立方米每天河流取水工程工艺设计
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