    摘要:目前预应力混凝土被广泛的使用于各种中小跨度的桥梁中,而且大量采用预应力混凝土将是未来桥梁发展的趋势。在本次毕业设计中,对目前在公路桥梁中经常使用的预应力混凝土简支T型梁桥的设计做了全面的介绍,其中包括调研,外文资料的翻译,方案设计,结构计算以及施工图的绘制,并对预应力混凝土梁桥的特点做了详细的介绍。在确定方案时,根据调研及查阅大量的资料,在此桥位上布置了中承式拱桥,连续钢箱梁桥及预应力混凝土简支T型梁桥三种设计方案,根据“安全,功能,经济,美观”的原则,对各种桥型的优缺点进行了比选,而预应力混凝土简支T型梁桥在此桥位上更具有竞争力,反映在工程造价比较低,施工工期短,施工技术成熟,因此,最终选择了预应力混凝土简支T梁桥为设计方案。 结构计算着重进行了上部结构的计算,包括截面尺寸的拟定,内力计算(恒载内力,活载内力和附加内力的计算,内力组合以及影响线),配筋设计,施工阶段和使用阶段的应力验算,承载能力极限状态强度验算,刚度验算,变形验算。
    关键词: 预应力混凝土   T型梁桥   结构计算  设计方案    施工图
    The design and calculation ofSimply supported reinforced concrete T-beam bridge
    Abstract: Nowdays, the pre-stressed concrete is extensively used in various kinds of bridges with medium and small span ,and it will be a development trend in future to adopt the bridge of the pre-stressed concrete in a large amount.In this paper,I made an overall introduction of the pre-stressed T-section concrete beam bridge which is ofen used among highway at present. Including investigation and research,translation,scheme design ,calculation of structure and drawing. According to the investigation, I give three schemes--the steel tube filled concrete,the reinforced concrete arch bridge and T-section beam with pre-stressed concrete bridge. According to the principle of “safe,capability,economical,artistic”, I choose the T-section beam bridge with pre-stressed concrete finally.The calculation of structure mainly includes the superstructure such as the size design of the section , the internal force calculation ,the steel bars calculation ,the stress and intensity and displacement.
    This city elevated reinforced concrete simply supported beam bridge design, using 30 +30 +30 +30 +30, the total span of 150 simply supported T beam forms design, high beam with equal height, set into a horseshoe cross to save material. Full-bridge using prefabricated construction methods are used double column pier piers, bored pile foundation for the foundation.
    Through this graduation design, my understanding of the pre-stressed concrete are strengthened further .
    Keywords: pre-stressed concrete, T-section bridge ,steucture calculation ,construction design   
    目 录

    1 序言    1
    2 设计资料    3
           2.1 工程概况    3
             2.3.1 设计荷载    4
             2.3.2 设计车速    4
             2.3.4 桥面横向布置    4
             2.3.5 桥面坡度    4
  1. 上一篇:混凝土简支梁按施工工艺设计+图纸
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