摘要: 本次设计内容为重庆某星光酒店中央空调系统设计。主要满足酒店的夏季制冷以及冬季供暖要求、提高酒店室内环境品质,给客户提供一个舒适的休息与娱乐环境。该酒店共四层,一楼主要为旅游商务服务区,二楼为餐厅、宴会厅、舞厅等休闲娱乐服务区,三楼、四楼为旅客住房。设计内容主要包括:酒店各个房间冷热负荷计算和风量的计算、确定空调系统的方案、风机盘管的选择和新风机组的选选定、空调风系统的设计以及校核计算、每个房间送风方式与气流组织形式的确定、风管系统以及水管系统保温材料和方法的确定、系统的消声设计与防振设计等内容。本次设计跟据相关规范以及建筑物实际的需要,选定风机盘管+新风系统为空调方案方案,每一层设置两个独立的新风系统;四层共用一台冷水机组,设置在一楼楼梯间旁边。72614
毕业论文关键词: 空调系统;酒店;风机盘管+新风系统
Design of a Central Air Conditioning System for a Starlight Hotel in Chongqing
Abstract: The project designs a central air conditioning system for a starlight hotel in Chongqing。 It can meet the requirements of cooling in summer and heating in winter, and improve the hotel indoor environment quality, to improve the hotel indoor environment quality。 The hotel has a total of four floors, The first floor is mainly for tourism business service area, The second floor is a recreational service area like a restaurant, The design content includes air-conditioning system hot and cold load and air volume calculation, determination of air-conditioning system, the selection of fresh air units and fan coil units, design of wind system and hydraulic calculation, the selection of indoor air supply way and air distribution form, design of duct insulation system and water pipe system insulation layer, shockproof design etc。 The design considers requirements of energy efficiency and comfort, air-conditioning system shall be designed to use the fan coil units- fresh air system, each layer has its own fresh air unit which is sent to the fresh wind。
Keywords: hotel; Central air conditioning; Fan coil units-fresh air system
1 绪论 1
1。1 课题目的和意义 1
1。3 发展趋势 3
1。4 课题研究内容 3
2 设计说明 3
2。1 设计依据 3
2。2 工程概况 3
2。3 建筑物围护结构信息 3
2。4 设计参数 5
3 负荷计算 6
3。1 夏季空调冷负荷计算 6
3。2 冬季热负荷的计算 8
3。3 湿负荷计算 10
3。4 负荷计算数据汇总 10
4 新风量与新风负荷 15
4。1 新风量的确定