
    In this paper, a new wind load animal room, hot and cold load and wet load made a detailed accurate calculation for air conditioning units, vents, etc. The selection and duct design layout with full and accurate basis. The design of the cooling load of 710 kW, the cooling load index is 0.71kW / m².
           Animal feeding chamber inlet uniform requirements and can effectively isolate odor and cross-contamination, so focused on the arrangement consideration to the air, using the four directions breeding room central air, screening environment. And considering the logistics and flow disinfection and cleaning requirements. While the duct cross-section dimensions and the arrangement also took into account the internal velocity and noise requirements. In the system selection focuses on the selection of a new air system causes and characteristics of the system, the new air system for animal house special requirements that can meet the requirements of particularity, for the plant to meet the cleanliness rating system played an important role in selection. Will also be described in the design airflow is reasonable arrangements. In order to effectively exhaust the maximum extent to avoid cross-infection, which would also meet the national requirements for animal housing design.
         Besides, the paper also describes the system partition layout and choice of hot and cold sources. Heat source part adopts outdoor pipe network provided cold water, cold water system working pressure of 0.3MPa, hot water system supplying energy from the plant's boilers, hot water system at constant pressure by the plant's boiler room guarantee. And considered the question about heat recovery, air heated humidification steam required by the boiler room is provided, gas pressure is 0.6MPa, a steam inlet pressure to 0.4MPa, part of the production of heat supply, in part reduced to 0.07 ~ 0.1MPa for air after humidification, supply pressure and heat production, the production of condensate heating air conditioning room again after recovery. Not go into detail here.
    The design includes: air-conditioning cooling and heating load calculation; air-conditioning systems to identify and argumentation; air condition parameters and determine the amount of air; air handling equipment selection; cold source selection; airflow calculation; hydraulic calculation; Other equipment selection; insulation, vibration, and muffler etc..
    Air-conditioning system designed for lab animals, but also to combine the characteristics of clean plant, to conform to wind speed, temperature, humidity, and human comfort, is conducive to laboratory personnel to better and efficient work. So fully consider reasonable airflow, temperature, humidity and pressure control and energy saving measures to make the design more reasonable and in line with national standards, to meet the requirements of owners.
     1 绪论
    1.1 我国动物实验厂房设计的现状
    1.2 洁净空调的节能
         洁净室与洁净厂房能源消耗比其他的建筑大得多,其运行费约是一般办公楼的10(1万级)~30(100级)倍[1]。就空调冷负荷而言,一般办公大楼为120W/m2左右,而大规模半导体器件厂房可以达到1400~1 600w/m2。同理对于动物饲养厂房也是一个道理。同时,由于动物饲养室的工艺特点,要求洁净厂房内全天(24h)保持相应的洁净度,目此,洁净空调系统(包括排风系统)、为其配套的冷、热源及相应的输送系统需每天24 h运行,这也与其他空调系统极其不同。运行时间的增长也使其空调系统的节能更具有潜力和意义。
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